
Not to be missed?

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we land by ferry in bilbao, and plan to drive down maybe via valladolid and caceres to antequera, then back up via toledo, madrid and burgos, then back to bilbao for the ferry back.

what must we not miss??!!!!

looking for spanish culture, art, architecture, food, sights, and anything amazing.

start with the guggenheim...




  1. The Basc Country is lovely,all of it.So if you have some time,just spend it there.Toledo is worth visiting,all the old part,the center is very nice.Madrid is nice,but need a few days to visit all of it.Just go to the center.Burgos is lovely,there´s a lovely cathedral there (even for people that are not catholic is nice to visit...).




    MADRID´ll be passing near it,and it´s worth visiting



    Have a very nice time

  2. Cuenca is a beautiful town

    Also Valencia

    So is Madrid

    But remember if you are going in the next 6 weeks the city temperatures could be in the 40's

    Enjoy all of Spain is great

  3. Between Valladolid and Caceres is the old university city of Salamanca. I would suggest Salamanca is a "must-see" city. Once you are in the Toledo / Madrid area you "must" vist Segovia.

    Within Spain I would put Salamanca & Segovia at the top of my list.

    As you are visiting Antequera you are very close to the city of Granada. Granada is about an hour away down the A92 motorway. In Granada there is one of the most incredible Moorish palaces, that being the Alhambra Palace & Generalife. Bear in mind though, you must book up in advance. Here is the website for you to peruse

    I live in Spain close to Granada. Spain is a wondrous diverse country. Enjoy your stay.

  4. Are you staying in Antequera?  Go spend a day in Ronda if you have time.  It is well worth the trip.  Roman baths, the Puente Nuevo.  Walk down the path under the bridge to the waterfalls at the bottom.  Biking to the White towns.  (Okay, you have to be in shape for that!)

    On the way to Toledo, stop at Campo de Criptana near Ciudad Real, and see the windmills from Don Quixote.  In fact, if you are interested in the book, you could tour the whole area.  There's a circuit of Quixote stuff.  

    In should spend at LEAST a full day.  The Greco house and museum, Cathedral, and church of Santo Tomé.  You should drive around the other side of the river to get the Vista de Toledo.  It's near the Parador.  If you don't actually have your own vehicle (sounds like you do), all the cabbies know what you mean.  And just walk around the town.  The city walls are really good!

    In Madrid, you have to go to the Prado.  That's really the one not to miss thing.  Stand at the very center of Spain in Puerta del Sol, There's a plaque in front of the Guardia Civil offices.  Plaza Mayor, esp. on Sunday, when they have a stamp and coin market there, then head downhill to the Rastro (flea market) but those are only on Sunday.  Stroll up the Gran Vía and stop in shops.  And the Palacio Real.  Tons of other things, but those are the most popular.  

    Burgos...the only thing that comes to mind is the incredible cathedral.  I'm pretty sure there's a palace, there, too.  And if you are driving, you might want to take the castle circle to the northwest of Madrid.  Just pick a couple to go to.  

    If you have time  Segovia is an absolute treasure!  Like Toledo, the entire city is a museum, but the highlights are the Alcázar and the Aqueduct, with the Cathedral coming in just behind.  

    Food:  you must try paella.  Make sure you ask if it is Paella Casera before you sit down, if they lie to you, there's nothing you can do about it, but a lot of places get it delivered in a box, and just add water...not so amazing, you know?

    Other than that, have sweets at La Mallorqueña at Puerta del Sol.  There's a dark little place called el Rey del Pimiento in Plaza de la Puerta Cerrada...REAL food.  And then there's a sort of tapas row below the Plaza Mayor.  Try EVERYTHING, even if it sounds gross!  It's probably really good.
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