
Nothing Works?

by  |  earlier

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Why fix something that wasn't broke. The old My Yahoo page was very easy to navigate and worked fine. The new beta version blows, you can't edit any of the modules, the t.v. guide is still broke even with the beta version. You people at Yahoo need to find something that doesn't work to fix and leave the stuff that does alone.




  1. Wish I could answer this one for you but I cant. I am having the same issues as you however and it is very annoying. It seems as if everytime yahoo "fixes" something they make it worse then it was before.

  2. I totally agree- it is so distressing and very inconvenient, - I have been using this for over 10 yrs and now they go and mess it up... and then they close Photos and s***w with the Music too


    I spent so much time on my pages- and know where everything is...

    yeah,  I tried that Beta page and hate it.. YES I DO LIKE THAT YOU CAN MOVE THINGS AROUND.  BUT I WANT MY TV listings back== here is the error message:

    TV fans, we're very sorry, but TV Listings are currently unavailable on My Yahoo!. You can still access listings at Yahoo! TV, but you may need to set up your favorite channels to work with our new TV data provider. We realize that this is an inconvenience, and ask for your patience while we resolve this issue.

    "does that mean it gone and no more????"

    I guess the thing to do is complain about it in the Forum for "my Yahoo"  and start a conversation...

    Maybe we will get some answers.  What do ya think.?

    Yahoo!  you know that you are better then the others- LEAVE THINGS ALONE!

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