
Nothing can come from nothing??

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im reading sophie's world and i STILL dont understand it after 2 days... someone give me an example or thought so i can visualize it in my head please?





  1. the fact that this nothings exists means that it some other thing that is nothing can come from it. its basically a circle. like beef come from cow because they are made from the same substance , and nothing comes from nothing because they share the same things, nothingness

  2. scientifically speaking, no. If there's nothing, then nothing can be born.

  3. I think it is meant to be that there is No Thing (as in substance or idea) that can come from Nothingness.

    It is essentially reliant on our understanding of cause and effect in the world, but there is the possibility that, if we conceive a God who transgresses and modifies the laws of nature, that something could come from nothing (as he created the world 'ex nihilo')

    Hope that helps...?

  4. It is true, we get over 75% of our nothing from nothing. It is the greatest single producer of nothing, Nothing can also come from something although it is a more difficult process. Usually the something has to first be identified as a "this". Because sometimes it can be said that "nothing will come of this".

    On the other hand sometimes things can sometimes just average to nothing,  

  5. Nothing can come out of nothing, or said in other words, if there is nothing, then how can something pop out to existence out of the nothing, if there is nothing to bring it forth? When have you seen a chair or a man appear out of thin air?

    For something to be, there must be something else to bring it into existence. This something must be already in act to bring something from potency to act, i.e.  to actualize it.


    An apple pie exists already in potency in the bag of apples you have on your table. The apple is the material  or formal cause.

    To make this pie you must peel the apples and cook them: The knife and the fire are the efficient or middle cause.

    The maker of this apple pie (you) already conceived this same pie before it was brought from simple potency to act, so You are the first cause.

    Why did you make this pie in the first place? To eat it, right? This is the final cause or purpose of the being of the apple pie. That is what the apple pie was made for.

    If there had been no you ,with the  craving, to think of the pie, nor apples to make it, nor the know-how and the tools, then there would have never been no pie at all.

    Appliying this to the world around us, how can all we see come out of nothing? Nothing begets nothing. In order for something to exist it must be brought into existence by someone or something that is already in existence. To say that all we see around us is made by pure chance, random, accident, coincidence is the same as addmiting that a rock can burst out into existence out of thin air. No: every effect needs a cause in the same proportion it occurs. If the wolrd exists in the first place, and even more it behaves in such a rational matter that we can actually understand it, figure out the laws that govern it,  is a strong effect of it being brought forth by a neccesary first universal cause, the "unmoved mover" of Aristotle, the same being who many name God.

    so the object of contemplation for the mystic is not that the world is the way it is, but that there is actually a world in the first place.

  6. if you are talking about the nothing, this is a "thing" cause the nothing has effect on something. Therefore there is not "the nothing"

  7. Scientifically and logically, nothing does not exist, and for anything to be now, something must always have been, as a cause.

    Spiritually, this cause is God, and Spirit is the matrix for creation.

    "The Path of the Higher Self," Mark Prophet,

    "Nihilism," Father Seraphim Rose, and

    "A Philosophy of Universality," O. M. Aivanhov discuss this in general terms.

  8. There is, nor was, any nothing.  Nothing is not.  There was never a time when there was nothing, because time and existence are co-existent.  Whatever we call the "beginning" of our Universe, it was not a beginning like a performance has a beginning.  It always was because no time existed before it was.

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