
Notice bad breath?

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ok. How would you tell a co-worker that they have bad breath?? And they work in the health care setting??




  1. I wouldn't tell a co-worker that their breath stinks, its kind of mean but i would try to give them gum or tic tacs if u work w/ them.

  2. give them a box of tic tacs and say something like maybe we should start paying attention to our breath in case it's offensive to the patients....

  3. What the h**l have you eaten today?

  4. i would buy some gum and when you are by that person eat a piece and suggest one to them and that way he or she feeling isn't being hurt

  5. Offer them gum all the time. If they don't get the hint just be very blunt and say, "your breath stinks."

  6. people usually do not that they have bad breath right under their nose. it is their time to rely on the honesty, kindness and concern of friend or someone close to them.

    they say that to be a friend is to be one. i think that it is best that you tell your friend ahead of time so as embarrassment. tell your friend in private and in a tactful manner, saying your concern about her health that might be indicated by bad breath. you can advise her to proceed to the dentist and seek professional help.

    for more tips about bad breath care visit
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