
Number of Dependants???

by  |  earlier

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I am applying for an RBS Revolve account online and they are asking for my 'number of dependants'. What does that mean? I would be so grateful if you could help me.




  1. The term "dependants" means; how many people actually live in your household and "depend" on you for financial support.  It may also be a technicality of how many "dependants" you claim on your income tax (and, they cannot claim themselves as dependants on their income tax).  More information [regarding these types of questions] can be found online.  BUT!  Before you continue this 'online account' (I'm assuming, credit card), be sure they are legitimate (legal), I don't recall ever seeing that question on a credit app before.  Be careful about giving your personal information online.

  2. It means the number of people that depend on you for their welfare...

  3. Number of children I believe

  4. lil wayne

  5. The number of dependents is the number of people who you support by paying more than 50% of their support.

    If you have children, they are your dependents.

    If you are divorced and pay child support, there has to be an agreement with their other parent as to who gets to claim them as a dependent on their taxes.  Who ever is stated in the agreement can claim them as a dependent.

    Do not try to put down your dog, no matter how human sounding the dog's name may be.

    If you live alone, and you have no agreement for child support you pay, and no agreement as to who can claim a child as a dependent, you don't have any dependents.

    If you have a family member living with you and they are on disability or collecting Social Security, etc. and you pay more than 50% of the household bills, then they are your dependent.

    If you have a family member in a nursing home or long term hospital facility and you are paying for it, they are your dependent.

    If you have a brother who isn't working, and living with you, and you are providing for that person, they are your dependent.

    And it goes on and on, but the rule is basically, if you pay more than 50% of the living expenses of a RELATIVE living with you, they are your dependent.  And if you are divorced with children, check the Divorce Agreement to see who is entitled to claim the dependent.

    Hope this helps.

  6. It's the number of children you have either under 18 or living with you...I think!!!

  7. Its children AND others that depend on you to live.. ie a spouse living with you with no job or exchange student etc.

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