
Numbers on ceiling in diner/restaurant?

by  |  earlier

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I've always wondered this, but could never figure it out. I was in a diner recently and have seen this panel that hangs from the ceiling, it was numbered 1-12, and it lights up the numbers. What does this panel mean? I haven't seen them in a long time, since the 80's, so it was a surprise to see one up, and I couldn't figure out what it meant, as it wasn't being used. Any ideas?




  1. It is probably a call light. It was used to tell the wait staff that they had an order ready to be served. They must have only had 12 servers at a time. When the waitress or server had food ready, thier number was lit up by the cook in the kitchen.

    Now a lot of restaurants have a belt buzzer. The wait staff has a little pager thingy on thier belt that vibrates when they have food ready.

  2. It has to do with the wait staff and table order numbers.  Instead of yelling that an order is up, the light comes on.

  3. most often, at least from my experience, its a way to let guests who are waiting for a table know when their number is called.

    i would assume that be the case here.

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