
Nursing Home Volunteering.?

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Hi I'm going to start to volunteer at a Senior's Home in about a month when Exams are finished, I went down and got it set up this afternoon. I've just looked over some Nursing Home volunteer stories and it seems like alot of the patients suffer from depression, when I went in there this afternoon you could kind of feel there was kind of a sad feeling over the place. I'm an extremely bubbly happy person, but should I try to tone that down a bit so I won't look like that naive person who knows nothing about this place and get hurt by the patients who desperately want to get out of here and are depressed? Our should I keep my true personality up and be bubbly to try to brighten there day? I also wanted to spend sometime with them this afternoon but the person there kind pushed me out, not in a pushy "I don't want to see you back here again" way. Would it be okay if I went down there later on just to see and talk to the people, or should I wait till June? Plus how would I ask if I did so?




  1. Hello Emma, :)

    I used to coordinate volunteers for a nursing home and I have to say that you sound just like what any nursing home would be looking for. Yes, there are some nursing home residents that need a little cheering up! :) A positive attitude is very contagious -- and being around someone bubby often makes you feel better.

    Very often someone that is older appreciates visiting with a younger person and making this friendship. They want to get to know you -- and you may discover that you have things in common. Maybe you like to dance and they danced a lot when they were younger. Maybe they used to be bubbly too! :) There are all personalities, all types in a nursing home.

    I think it is very helpful to be gentle and be a good listener. Some seniors do not have good hearing and you may need to be respectful of this. Some of them will also appreciate having someone to listen to some of their stories -- as some seniors do not get regular vistors with family members that are far away or too busy to see them.

    Many volunteers make friends with seniors in the nursing homes and this can be a special friendship. Our elders have much wisdom and many gifts to share with us. Yes, you need to have a little patience -- but I think that is true when dealing with anyone, no matter their age.

    I hope that you enjoy your volunteering and your summer!


  2. Be your bubbly self.  Some patients are visited regularly by family and friends.  Some have no one to talk to.  These are the ones to talk to.  Ask the head nurse who is the most lonely and would like to have a visitor.

  3. I think you would have to have the nursing home's permission and they might have to consider the right to privacy of the patients and also sometimes strangers come in and wander around and steal from the patients and walk out. So get permission of the facility first.

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