
OH MY GOD WHAT A *****!?

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Ok i've been mates with my best mate for 4years now.. any way i really like this guy and i know it's so stupid to fall out over guys.. any way he's been flirting with me and i like him a little bit not loadsss though.. i'm just getting to know him! as you do!.. And she was like you know *him* well i'm gunna ask him to go round shopping in the city with me! woo! i was just like oh.. cool..

but really i want to rip her head out she knows he's hitting on me cuz he's leaving me coments on my profile saying nice stuff?

why can't she butt out she always does this!

help me!




  1. Jealousy, shes not a good friend at all.

  2. Shes jealous. She doesnt want anyone taking her best friend from her. she has to grow up really and realise that you could have a boyfriend and a best friend with no problem

  3.    yeah i had a friend like that people like that like to be wanted.. so if theres someone giving u atention and they are used to being the center of attention ..if u dont want to loose her freindship find out from the guy where you stand and if it's not what you want get a new man and dont introduce them

  4. Its not her fault you have similar tastes, i think in this case you're being more of a b**** than she is, sorry.

    Why don't you all agree to go out together and just be friends? You said yourself you don't like him that much. Let him choose by letting him get to know you both but don't turn it into a competition it's not worth losing your friend over.

  5. Your friend sounds like a s**t! just tell your friend that she always does that and tell her the truth that you don't like her flirting with guys you like. I hope she understand good luck!

  6. If they do end up "together", (I assume you see him as a potential boyf) then he obviously wasn't that interested in you in the first place. If he's that fickle, be grateful you found out now, and not later on when you realise he was just with you because you were "there".

  7. I think you have to speak the truth .

    Tell her how you really feel about it.  

  8. Maybe she doesn't realise she's doing it =S

    There's only one way to find out. And thats to ask her yourself. Don't be b!tchy or anything, just sit her down and say "*Name*, I'm not starting an argument or anything, but I think you know that I like *Him*, so why are you asking him to go shopping with you ? I'm really confused" If she shouts and starts being a cow then tell her what you just told us. Only do it calmly. If she backs off she's a good friend.

    Good luck.

    If all else fails ask him out as well. Give her a taste of her own medicine.

  9. one of my best friends ALWAYS tries to steal my guys from me...and god knows the guys would choose her cause she puts out.

  10. tell her straight that you like him!!!

  11. Tell *him* how you feel.

  12. Ok, first off, I want you to stop hoarding the blame on her. Maybe it's not her fault and/or she's ignored all the chemistry between you and him. There is always the other option but keep your options open.

    Second, confront her about it and tell her that you and him have been getting to know each other and stuff, and that you don't want to start a drama over a boy.

    Third, if she is a true friend, she'll back off and then left you go for it. If she acts snotty towards you, she it just a fickle cow and she is best left alone.

    Either way, you'll know what to with her in the end.

    Best of Luck.

  13. She's jealous! Leave her off, she'll probably be bored out of her mind, and not a little pissed off with herself, because even if he does say yes to her invitation, all he'll be doing is asking about YOU! So HAH! to her!

  14. Uh, what? Are you asking a question?  So what? Guy's hitting on you. Whoopee. Did you pee on him to mark your territory? If you are not WITH the guy then it doesn't matter.  

  15. she is deffo jelous of you and probably fancies him too and she knows that he likes you and not her. dont worry, if he likes you like you think he does he wont go out with her and she will get over it and hopefully be the frend that you know her to be.

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