
OMG..... 14 years old.... Pregnant.?

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My 14 year old Cousin asked her parents to spend the night and now she's here and tells me she's fricken pregnant! I just want to shake some sense into this child!!!!!!!!!

Now that she's asleep I am tempted to call her Mother but I know she is going to hate me for this...

I am so upset that I am irrational and don't know what to do!!!!!

Please help ------ I could just beat her!!

How could this happen?? She's FOURTEEN!!!!!




  1. shes dumb, she deserves it

  2. while this is how it happened shes a w***e and let her "guy friend" put his junk in her! DUH!   AND FORGOT to use a huftey bag!

  3. Its happening more and more ow a days, but I think you need to go to your parents 1st and let them tell hers.

  4. I know you are shocked and upset... but she is probably very scared right now and needs some love and support

  5. what at h**l is she thinkin. well dude u gotta tell her mother, young mothers can die in birthgiving process. so u know what ever u wanna do.

  6. yes it happens!

    She is not smart not to be using protection,

    My best friend got pregnant at 13 and didnt know she was till like the 5th month!

    Call her mom.

    she will thank you later!

  7. im sorry

    i know i said i would be a better person



    please just put these in the pregnancy section!!

    no one wants to see these questions anymore and Y!A was getting better.............never mind go do something

  8. omg- how sad......

    get her to tell her parents QUICK

    i don't care if she's asleep- wake her up

    and get her to call her parents

    btw- discuss the options of abortion, adoption, or making her just keep the baby for herself-

  9. How did this happen?

    I thought you knew.

  10. Don't freak out and don't hurt her, remember there is a baby inside her.

    Now talk to her, I know this is going to sound weird but ask her how, like if she was willing to have s*x or if it was forced because if it was forced then she needs to go to the hospital. Ask if she has told her parents, and if she says know, ask her what she is going to do. Tell her you are there to help and you will do anything in your power to help, tell her that is what families do. Then tell her that she needs to talk to her parents, tell her you can't because she is the one that had s*x and she needs to take responsibly. Remember to talk calmly I know how you feel because my sister was 13 when she told me she was pregnant, I almost killed her when I found out that she was raped. So make sure she was not rapped because it could be worse then just pregnant. Make sure you cover all the bases because you don't wanna skip anything.. But I would call her parents and tell them that you will take her home or that you wanna spent the night over there, be there for your cousin, she needs you. BE CALM!!

  11. do not tell her mom let your cousin tell her it will hurt hurt the mom more if she finds out by you

  12. Really it seems like the reason she came to you and told you is because she wants your help. That is probably going to have to including telling her mother, but I wouldn't do it with out her knowing. The best possible outcome would be convincing her telling her mother would be the best thing, that way she isn't going to be angry at you and can still confide in you.

    The first thing I'd do in the morning is find out how she knows she's pregnant and how long she's been pregnant. Maybe it would be a good idea to bring her into one of the local free clinics in the area to confirm the pregnancy.

    Talk to her about what her plans are. Regardless of what she wants to do about the pregnancy she is going to need the support of her mother (either emotionally or financially or whatever.) It may be easier for her to talk to her mother in your home (its a more neutral environment) with you there.

  13. First of all DON'T PANIC ! there are lot's of ways of getting rid of unwanted sproggs these days. An abortion is a simple procedure and will be over before you know it.

    Her  Doctor is her best bet to talk to. He/She should help her out.

    She's only 14 . Who the F**k would want a kid at that age.

  14. She might be lying, call her mom and tell her.  If she is pregnant she'll thank you later on.

  15. talk to her calmly and rationally and tell her that you will go with her to tell her parents but she has to tell them and you won't do it for her she decided to take the chance to get pregnant now she is the one that has to tell her parents.

  16. Don't call her mother right away, give her a chance to tell her mom (like a week) if she still does not tell her mom.

  17. I wouldnt tell just yet. Talk to her in the morning.

    And if you want to know how it happend? She had s*x...simple..unless she was raped..sounds like she wasnt. But if she was and thought how baby came about you do need to tell her parents.

  18. i would tell her mom has she even took a test yet

  19. WAIT....WAIT ......WAIT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    I know you are disappointed and angry, but her actions are saying so much and the adults around her need to find out what the deeper meaning is while protecting the unborn baby.  

    talk to your cousin in the morning not now when you are so upset.  Don't lecture but inquire.  I would inquire about the boy who she was with.  If he is around her age then that is a different talk then if he is 18 or older.  Inquire about what she wants to do?  I am not sure what your beliefs are but I would stress adoption.  I would then explain that you haven't told her mother and you won't tell her mother but the two of you are going to tell her together as soon as your dressed.  

    She is fourteen...I would try to find out why she thought she needed to sleep with someone at this young of age.  

    is there a self-esteem issue.  Is she looking for love from a male role model due to issues with her father?  Has there been any type of sexual assaulted that she hasn't told anyone?  Girls that are sexually active at this young of age have deeper emotional problems they are trying to cope without having some boy or some guy whisper sweet nothings in their ears usually will band-aid those issues for awhile.  Be there for her and get her the help she needs.  Lectures will only put up more walls between her and adults.  That won't help her or the baby.

  20. DONT CALL HER MOM. Its probably not a sure thing...

  21. Well it's up to her to tell her parents, this isn;t your secret so you should keep it until she is ready to tell.

    I would just ask her calmy what she plans to do and just talk to her. Don't judge her, make sure she tells the father first and just be a place for her to confide in. Pregnant teens really need that.

  22. Um. Call her mother, don't ask her if it's okay. Go straight over her head. Don't worry if she gets pissed at you, she'll get over it.

    And I will help you beat her. Hold her arms behind and back and stuff. Good luck.

  23. Tell her mother, if you have too.  This is one of those secrets that you can't keep. You don't have to do it tonight, but you have to let your cousin know that her mother needs to be told, or you WILL tell her.  Offer to be there when she tells her mother, but that you won't keep this a secret.  Secrets like this are bad to keep specially when the health of possibly two people are involved.

    What are the chances she's going to tell her mother anywhere in the near future?  She'll need to definitely find out if she's pregnant, as well as start receiving prenatal care.  I've heard too many "let her tell her mom on her own" and they end up not doing it until much much later when they should have already been seen by a doctor.

  24. do not call her mom..

    she came to you knowing and thinking she could trust you.

    her mom is going to find out sooner of later..

    and would be alot better coming from her not you!

    whats done is done..

    you cant change anything and either can your cousin,

    im sure if she was givin the chance she would..

    stay calm. at least your not the one prego.

    think about how she is feeling for a sec instead of yourself

  25. dont go and tell her mom! you guys must be really close and she trusts you. you need to just support her and help her through this not lecture her about it!! im sure she knows what she did was wrong but theres no going back now. just talk to her about it and tell her you will go with her to tell her parents cause they need to hear it from her.

  26. I would go with her to talk to her parents.  Before you go, however, I would find phone numbers for a family planning clinic that is nearby.  They will counsel the girl and her parents (and b/f if he's still involved).  They will discuss options with her and can help her get started with the adoption process, if that is her choice.  They will also make the first appointment with a doctor to examine her to  make sure the pregnancy is on track.  Most of all, you need to be there for her.  She is taking a very difficult road that many grown women struggle with.  I couldn't imagine how difficult it would be to go through all that at fourteen.  Good luck.

  27. Okay first of all you need to tell her either she can tell the parental units that she's pregnant or you will.  She needs medical attention, not for herself but for the baby's sake.  Girls try to grow up too fast, that's how it happened.

  28. Let her tell her mother...You shouldnt really get in between this. Trust me...


    She'll tell her mom on her own time, and sooner or later with pregnancy I'm sure she'll figure it out.

  30. Well maybe talk to her and then when the time is right let her tell her mom. Also maybe you should do a nice talk and a very decent talk and make sure she tells her mom soon because there are larger options now than there will be when she has a bump. Hope I help!

  31. You should just talk to her. I know she is very young. You should not look down on here. You should help here, she is going to need your help and support. You  should ask her what is she going to do?

    If she says I don't know and she is all scared and junk you should say "I am going to help you" and "maybe you need ot tell your parents".

    She really does need to tell her parents.

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