
OMG! Facebook Help!!?

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Okay im 14 almost 15 and all my friends have facebooks and its really annoying that my dad wont let me have one, everytime i asks him he says let me research and then he waits until something bad happens (i.e. The girl in vermont) i take it as an insult that he thinks im stupid enough to add ppl idk and actually meet them in person. So my question is how can i convince my dad to let me get a facebook??

And please dont say your to young, its dangerous etc. because its only dangerous if youu use it the wrong way which i wont. Thanks!

Ohh and please dont say well i dont have a facebook, bc idc if youu have one bc chances are i dont know youu.




  1. Facebook is more safe and better than Myspace. You can hide your age etc. when people search you.Its really more of a private site "just for friends" unlike Myspace.Show him around the site yourself!

  2. compare facebook to myspace. it is definitely a lot safer. just tell your dad that you'll only add people you know like friends and family members. tell him that you won't add random people that you've never met before. you can even tell him that he can monitor your facebook for the first month or so just so he knows that you are using it safely. your not too young for facebook because it is aimed for high school kids and stuff so your at the right age to start using it. just tell your dad this stuff and hopefully it will change his mind. but it may not. sometimes parents are stuck in their ways about things.

  3. tell him you'll only add people u know like family members(aunt's, cousin's, uncles, if they have one) and friends from school

  4. Your father says "No"  Thats all there is to it.  Your father probably pays for the internet coming into your home.  He probably pays for the electricity to keep your computer up and running, probably paid for the computer itself.  Your dad gets to decide whether you join Facebook or not.

  5. Well so you just want answers that you want.

    Facebook is overrated, and you have already stated you just want facebook because your friends have it.


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