
Obama speaking about the Palin pregnancy?

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Obama stressed today that Palin's family is off limits, and that ripping on your opponents family is unacceptable.

He also mentioned that he was born to an 18-year old woman, and reacted angrily when he said that if anyone from his staff included Bristol Palin in even a small way in the campaign "will be fired."

Can we all stop accusing Obama of taking advantage of this situation? Can we at least acknowledge that, by and large, McCain and Obama have both showed respect for each other even while disagreeing on key issues?




  1. I wonder if all of this is republican hype to skirt the real issues.  I believe McCain said he would release his energy plan this week.  Frankly I don't understand why he is so late!

    A lot of the Obama supporters have questioned this situation.  I don't think anyone can control supporters..

  2. he stressed it publicly..... but did he stress it PRIVATELY, so his campaign can send people to attack Palin (MOST LIKELY NOT)

  3. I saw what Obama said but what wasn't said is disturbing!  He sure is not coming out and condemming CNN and others for going after this story! If he truly thought that family should be off limits then he should go after the liberal media for trying to make a big daeal out of this!

  4. I think the candidates are both being a lot more respectful of each other than the idle masses that post on here.

    Seems a lot of posters on here are only interested in the smear campaign tactics.

  5. How come Obama didn't question why Bristol did not get an abortion, since he is so much for it?

  6. There are some things that arre off-limits, even in a political campaign

  7. you're partly right

    the Dems want the party to do the attacking, so Obama can claim the high road

    just how old was Obama's mother when SHE was pregnant and unmarried?

  8. I am an Obama supporter, I served two tours in Iraq and respect Senator McCain but don't agree with him on all of his policies. Both candidates are true gentlemen

  9. yeah but you cant stop people from thinking the way they think.

    i would like to add, well said my man. ive done my fair share of bashing........but atleast its about what normal americans think. your always gonna have people that have something really mean to say....and i cant say im not one of them.....but i only open my mouth when there is good reason.

    and most of the tasteless **** i say is all in good fun because i really do find humor in alot of this.

  10. As an Independent....I never thought Senator Obama's campaign had anything to do with the rumor's that were going around. Senator Obama has been steadfast in the stance on family's are 'off limits' since the campaign began and have never once heard him or his wife speak in any nasty way towards anyone's family members. Kudo's to him for once again so strongly stating it.

    In all honesty, I think that this whole batch of "news" generated from the McCain campaign, via his daughters blog with so many photo's, people doing research on their own on Mrs. Palin, and the whole campaign letting days of rumor's pass before deciding to speak to it.

    I think the campaigns need to be speaking directly on issues and if the two Senator's want to tear each other apart, that's their choice, but I for one will be watching closely to see if anyone working in either campaign speaks with ill intent towards any family members.

  11. I am a McCain supporter.  I give Obama credit for coming forward and making this statement.  It was really very big of him.

    I just wish people would take his advice.

  12. I am finally glad to see that some small measure of integrity is comming to the forefront of politics. Obama is absolutely right, a candidates family is off limits. While some attacks have been mounted against Michelle, McCain for the most part has had nothing to do with them. Obama could have really taken advantage of the situation, but took the high road.

    Finally, cheap shots take a back seat.  

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