
Off the wall question?

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ok i have an off the wall question. ok so say that you were dating a girl and you have a single parent. and the girl had a single parent of the oppisite s*x. so if the parents started going out and then got married would you still be able to date the girl. would you be able to get married when you could. just to let you people this is not really happing i just read a question kinda like this.




  1. Well yes of course . As long as you all dont sleep in the same bed  

  2. Technically, you are not related by blood, so you could.

  3. im sure they can... just as long as they are not blood related... now that would be

  4. Sure.

    My father in-law apologized to me for not finding my mother attractive...I didn't understand what he meant then, but it's freaking funny now.  LOL

    He wanted the one big happy family thing to happen.

    It can happen, in fact, I know it does happen.  

    It's illegal to marry someone who's your direct blood-relative.  So, if you're related by marriage, then it's a fair game.

  5. They're  two separate families not blood kin so I see no problem.

  6. it sounds creepy,  but at least you wouldn't have to travel to see her.  And they can't stop you from dating.  but yes its legal.  Go for it!

  7. I guess you could but it would defintely be weird!!!!! My family is weird like that . Listen to this....

    My aunt's mother married my uncle's [her husband's] father. Weird, I know!

  8. well you know it is 2008 and anything can happen!

  9. Yeah. Would be weird. but...its possible.

  10. Good grief, you really can't figure this out on your own? They aren't related in any way by blood, so yes, they can marry even if one of each of their parents married each other. Get a grip.

  11. It's best not to, even though you aren't blood related, it would be kinda awkward for family members.  But if you do wanna give it a chance, and the girl wants it too, talk with the parents and see what they choose.  

    Hope this helped!  :D

  12. yes you can, u are not blood related.

  13. You're not blood related, so you can. But that may make for some strange family get togethers.

  14. They could still date and get married. They are not blood relatives in any way. It would just feel really weird and kind of wrong.

  15. Yeah, but that would be alittle weird. LOL.

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