
Official NFL HoF Game Predictions!

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what are your predictions for the HoF game? who will win? what will the score be?

I personally think the Redskins will win because they have something to prove!!! Indy, well they don't have to prove anything! they're great no matter what! but Washington really wants to win this game so they will 27-17

best answer goes to whoever picks the right team and closest score!!!

also if u wanna keep predicting later in the season join my yahoo pick'em group!!! info here:;_ylt=AoevetJrvUGcHEelj6PYpwLsy6IX;_ylv=3?qid=20080803105106AA3mQ8Z




  1. redskins win this game big.



  2. Colts 21 - 17

  3. sorgi isnt that great but he has an awesome wide recieving corp in harrison, wayne, clark, and even gonzalez proved he's good

    plus it helps to have a pro bowl runningback to take the pressure off a little bit

    and not to menton a great line that rivals the cheatriots line

    and the colts defense is always strong and i dont think portis will do very good against bracket and bob "hitman" sanders

    not to mention dwight freeney and robert mathis will just kill the redskins o line and put pressure on cambell who hasnt proved to be a valuable asset

    so id say colts 24-10

  4. Peyton Manning and Marvin Harrison are out, and the Colts backups aren't exceptionally great, so I'll say Redskins win 24-17. Of course in a regular season matchup I'd predict the Colts to win.

  5. redskins, 14-7

  6. i say redskins 24-21... harrison says hes not gonna play so i think it might hurt the colts a lil bit  

  7. colts 17 redskins 27

    who cares its preseason

  8. I'm going with the Skins because Sorgi is not good at all. I'll say Washington 27-17

  9. Colts win 27-14  

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