
Oil running out in 10 years?

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Do you think this is true? read this website

What do you think we are gonna do with out oil?

Does this mean the end of technology?




  1. it's c**p...there is more oil just harder to pull from the earth because it's mixed with sand in like canada or somewhere....propaganda to get people to panic and agree to pay more for gas and other products from's GREED

  2. Yes Oil will run out within 10 Years or earlier.

    We are all in the Neck tie Conditions. If there is no Petrol/Diesel/Kerosne, it is difficult to Imagine.

    We have to take immediate the immediate Step of the following.

    1. Usage of Petrol/diesel/Kersone etc to be reduced.

    2.Oil well are going to try. So Car Production/Two wheeler  to be stoped. If there is no petrol/Diesel how can we run a Car.

    3.We have to harvest Solary Engergy/Wind Engergy/Hightide Energy.

    4.All are ready to come forwade to run Cycle. ( one day all persons forced to use Cycle.

    5. Usage of Two Wheeler also reduced.

    6.We have to produce more Hydro Electric Power Station for Electricity.

    7.Usage of Diesel Generator to be reduced.

    The  above mentioned Important point to be strictly followed by all otherwise all are to be ready to RUN CYCLE/ WALK/ HORSE RIDING/BULLOCK CART  etc etc etc within 10 years or earlier.

    No body is bothering about Petrol/diesel/Crude oil.

    please send e.mail to me


  3. Yes, it's happening right now.

    All the talk about oil sands and oil shale is SO much wide of the mark. If you don't get this then I suggest that you read about, and understand EROEI. (I'm not about to tell you what it means.

    The 'abiotics' are saying that the oil comes from the centre of the earth (or thereabouts), but they don't EVER explain away the successive collapse of oil production in, for example, Canterell or the North Sea.

    'Abiotic' oil may well be true, but its replenishment rate must have to be measured in millenia, not decades.

    Sorry folks - end of Empire - collapse of civilisation (not that in the supposedly civilised parts of the world it is 'civil' any more)


  4. i think we have more then 10 years... since we hit peak oil like 2 years ago... but were dwindling quickly

  5. I have been hearing this since I was 8 years old.  That was 40 years ago.  The fact is that there is a great deal of untouched oil reserves in the world.  Many wells have been closed because the oil in them was difficult to pump, these can be reopened and the oil pumped using newer technology.  Panic mongers strike again!

  6. I doubt it.  If it is true then I'm glad we have so many untapped reserves here in the US.

  7. No grasshopper.

  8. 10 years? I might believe 100 years but not 10. I have seen many estimates that it will run out in 100 years. It would not be the end of technology, because it is possible to make liquid fuels from coal, and coal should last several hundred years. But eventually we will have to get out of the coal and oil age just like we got out of the stone age. But even if we didn't invent fusion power or whatever, there would always be some energy sources. Hydroelectric will continue, as will wind and solar and bio fuels. The only question is if that would be enough for the whole world population. If not; if we are limited to the alternatives we have today and fossil fuel runs out, then we will revert to a kind of feudal society, where a small class of rich and powerful have access to energy and the masses toil away at manual labor.

  9. well, in ten yrs, if we don't do somthing about the global warming, then we're dead anyways. the sun's UV rays will come through the hole in the Ozone, and we'll cook like eggs. we can live without oil, but not without the Ozone.

  10. For the last 40 years or so, I've been hearing that oil will run out in the next 10 years or so.  Hasn't happened yet.

    For one thing, the means of oil exploration and oil drilling technology get better all the time and new deposits are found at deeper levels, making it harder to get to, but accessible all the same.

    Second, it has been found that wells that were thought to be dry have, over the years, refilled from seepage from sources below levels previously drilled.

    Our world's crust is a massive amount of territory that has hardly been scratched in man's search for oil and minerals.  Man is resourceful enough to develop the technologies needed to obtain ample energy when it is needed.  And there are alternatives to oil that are being developed that may preclude the use of petroleum as an energy source, given time and money for their development.

    I am confident that man will develop the resources for cold-fusion in the very near future, which will fulfill our need for energy for all time.  If we don't blow ourselves off the earth with it, that is!

  11. FEAR!!!FEAR!!FEAR!!!

    Fear creates money to flow

    fear is the glue that holds religions and Environmentalism together.  

    Fear creates money for environmental causes and for their leaders to get rich.

    A oil pool has been discovered off the coast of Brazil that dwarfs Arabia.

    What evidence shows that more oil is not constantly being created as we speak?

  12. This is pseudo science

  13. I have been hearing that the world was running out of oil since the early 1970s. I wasn't worried about it then for the same reasons I'm not worried now. There is a lot of oil left in the ground that we know about that isn't being extracted, mostly because of environmental policies. Two sources that come to mind are off the coast of California and the Alaska National wildlife refuge. The other big reason I am not worried is that new sources of fuel are being developed all the time. Solar and wind power are becoming more common. Biofuels are becoming part of the mainstream. More efficient cars and buildings will reduce the need for energy. There's a lot going on. The end of oil will not be a disaster. We have the technology and time to be ready for it.

  14. I don't know, or even think that we're just 10 years away, but I do think that we're near peak.

    Peak is a slightly different concept than 'out'.

    Peak is where demand exceeds production. Up to this point, if you have enough money, then you get oil at a price that's pretty low compared to the energy obtained from that oil.

    Sand is good, but two important facts about  it are that it can't be extracted as quickly as field oil, and that it costs a good deal more to extract it.

    If you think this government is scrambling so fast to find alternatives is because they're worried about global warming you're insane. They're worried because oil is going to cost a great deal more when demand exceeds production.

  15. face it between oil and global warming we are all dead

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