
Ok I need answers soon?

by Guest10833  |  earlier

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when we went to universal our family saw a male rat and i started squirting it bcause it waz panting (p.s. im a rat luver) and he let me get like 1inch away from him and he didn't run away but as soon as i walked away he started shivering and ran away




  1. i have no idea what to tell you except take it to a vet. i'm sorry but that is wierd

  2. aww cover it up and take it to the vet ASAP!

  3. 1. you saw a rat, an Universal wow...

    2. it was probably sjsut dehydrated, so you cooled it off, or jsut dead tired( would've explained letting you get near him)

    3. it probably would've been better to squirt water onto a leaf or something and put it near him for him to drink, but oh well

    4. as for the shivering and running away thing, he prob shivered, not cause he was cold kinda shivering, maybe scared(could've been chased or so, and was in a light shock, which is why he waited to run)

    that's my opinons

    i love rats as well, but, can't get one -.-

  4. You probably got him to wet and cold.

  5. wrap him up in a blanket (I used to own a rat) and dry him with a towel that just came out of the dryer so it i s stillwarm then have somone call the vet while you hold him

  6. aw the poor thing put him in a warm blanket and hold him close to u for warmth and call or go to the vet right away!

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