
Ok movie critics the best?

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Yeah Eightbreaker your exactly right to put it in pool hall terms he was a BM on the table real life player Lots of the old actors were




  1. Paul Newman,  the Hustler. Really there aren't that many.

  2. pool room junkeys the worst i have seen too much porfanity

  3. I definitely liked "The Hustler" over "The Color of Money" (I HATED Vincent-- thought he acted like a r****d through the whole movie, plus I hated what's-her-name, too).  I only watched "Pool Hall Junkies" once and I don't really remember it, I just remember cringing through the whole thing.  Do you guys watch Smallville?  Michael Rosenbaum (who plays Lex Luthor) was in that movie; maybe that's what he thinks gives him the right to play pool on Smallville every chance he gets-- major cringing going on for that, too.  Hubby made a good point about that movie they're making with Jennifer Baretta ("9-Ball"): it's got to be a heck of a lot easier to find a pool player who can act (not sure she can yet, but we'll see) than to find an actor who can play pool...Although Jackie Gleason looked good, didn't he?  And Paul Newman always looked pretty comfortable, too.  Anyway, "The Hustler" had a great plot, great acting, some great lines.  And "Pool Hall Junkies"...didn't.

    I haven't even heard of "Kiss Shot", Straight.  I'll have to run right out and not see that.

  4. "The Hustler" (1961), hands down.  It was based on an incredible novel by Walter Tevis.  It had everything, a fantastic cast including Paul Newman, George C. Scott, and Jackie Gleason.  Willie Mosconi, the greatest, was the technical adviser and has a small role in the film.  The acting, cinematography, score, etc. was brilliant.  Not to mention it being recognized by the Academy.  It captured so eloquently, the feeling of being in dead stroke.  When Fast Eddie is talking to Sarah and explains to her that feeling, "...when you're right, and you know you're right..."

    Now, the worst pool movie ever was "Kiss Shot" with Whoopi Goldberg.  It's quite possibly one of the worst movies, period.

    I really don't know why people are so hard on "Poolhall Junkies".  I thought it was good.  Yeah, I suppose there's bound to be some blue language in a pool hall, but that aside, it's a fun movie with some good pool scenes.  And how do you go wrong with Christopher Walken?

    M.D.-BCA Instructor/Referee.

  5. Looks like everything has been covered here. I agree with straight, the Hustler by a landslide. Color of Money a not so close second. I don't think anybody mentioned Stickmen. While being a really stupid foreign pool movie it's not as bad as Kiss Shot. Come to think of it nothing is that bad! C ya Johnny!

  6. I think The Hustler was the best pool movie ever. Jackie Gleason was great as New York Fats. George C. Scott was great as his backer. And of course Paul Newman did a great job as Fast Eddie. And Piper Laurie is one of my all time favorite actresses. She was Fast Eddie's girlfriend.

    And, who can forget those wonderful guys who broke Fast Eddie's fingers. Great question.

  7. Johnny.....only two "true" pool movies that everyone has covered already....the rest were just exactly that ..."pool" movies and that is where they ended the "deep" end and they never came up for air....."The Hustler" gets my vote.....just he lineup alone is reason enough.....Newman, Gleason, Lauri, Scott, Mosconi and even Jake Lamotta!!

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