
Ok my back seriouly hurts?

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HOw can i prevent this? what back excersize can i do?




  1. I find that the cause for this is trying to keep you head too still which causes a reverse pivot. You can allow  yourself to move your head slightly laterally (Not up and down). Also Swing from inside out. This will also allow you to swing without Back strain.

  2. I too have suffered from back pain from time to time and there is one thing I can always attribute it to, the core muscles.  I'm 33 years old and before my two sons were born I was in very good shape.  I worked out daily and trained for the golf season during the winter time.  Since the birth of my sons, my workout time has basically dwindled to nothing.  When I was in shape I was constantly working on my core muscles, the stomach muscles and lower back muscles to support my upper body during the swing.  I found that when my core muscles were in shape and strong it didn't matter how fast or hard I swung the club, I never had back problems.  After my sons were born I stopped working out daily and put on some extra weight and didn't work on my core muscles.  I noticed a huge change in my ability to swing the club the same as before.  I would be sore after only playing 18 holes when I used to be able to play 36 without any problems.  My suggestion to you is to work on your core muscles and lose any unwanted weight in the mid-section.  You will see a considerable difference in how your back feels.  I would also suggest stretching on a daily basis.

  3. I have a back problem but have learned to cope with it on the golf course.

    And just to let you know that I play at least 4 times a week (Current handicap is 10).

    Do you want to know what the secret is?

    I will reveal it only to you!

    One simple solution: Swing slow. Repeat: Swing slow! Repeat: Swing slow!!

    That is all. And you know what - you will hit it further and straighter.

    REMEMBER THIS: Swing slow!!!!

    Good luck

  4. Seriously, go to the doctor and hook up with a physical therapist.

  5. Three solutions - stretch, stretch and stretch again.  Stretch out the back before your round, during your round and after your round.  Go on the internet and look up some good stretching exercises for the back.

  6. I have back problems about 3 years ago.. 1 week in hospital because I can't sit or stand...

    What I suggest here, I assume you have back problems like me, few things you have to carefull when you play golf.

    make sure that I have enough warming up before swing my club.  I start with chips, pitch, short iron until driver.

    On the swing, I have to make sure that shoulder and my hips will turn and my right foot have to follow.

    Becarefull if your ball on upslope ...  because your right foot will more difficult to follow... so, if I see my ball on upslope... I never do fullswing... maximum 3/4 swing and very smooth swing.

    Another thing you need to be carefull, when you on bunker... more carefull with burried lie... and much more carefull if your ball on upslope bunker!!!

    For me... 1 thing that I really concern... in all ball condition... never hit fat!!! It really hurt!!!

    Doctor suggest me  to have more swimming... it will be good for recovery.... So, swimm as much as you can.

  7. My wife is a personal trainer and she has a weekly routine scheduled for me, it rules, I play 5-7 rounds a week and I always feel good.  Go to your local gym, get a personal trainer and have them design a regime fitted  for a golfer, it will really help, that and the hot tub after the workout!

  8. Just like any sport, you need to warm up before hand. Always start at the driving range and hit a small to medium size bucket of balls. Start with the pitching wedge just to get your back loosened up. Then go club by club up to the driver. By the time you get to the driver you should be ready to play.

    Search the Internet for stretching exercises that are made for golf. There are plenty out there.

    I suffer from lower back pain anyway. Trust me...Advil works. If you can get your doctor to perscribe the 800mg stuff, that's even better.

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