
Ok so Im hispanic/mexican but...?

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Do I look Like it?

both my parents are from mexico, & so are all my cousins,

& I have 2 brothers who are ugly & actually look mexican, black hair & black eyes etc,(please excuse me for saying they were ugly , I used to be picked on by my family for looking different from them, me being a minority,so I say that in self defense) however on my I.D Im labeled caucasion & they are Hispanic!?!? WTF !!?

Also ,could you possibly deport somebody as white as this back to mexico?




  1. The whole race labeling thing in the US is artificial, hence the confusion.  Hispanic actually means (of Spain or Spanish culture), and many Spaniards are descendants of the Visigoths, who were a Germanic tribe.  As far as deporting you, race would have nothing to do with it, but rather your visa status.


  2. 1.  Possibly.  Mexicans are as diverse as anywhere else.

    2.  If you are illegal, then yes.

    PS... I'm digging those soulful eyes BUT what's a Mexican doing in Japan?  (Reading your previous questions)

  3. Nobody cares what you look like.. nobody cares what race you are.  

    What we do care about are the illegal aliens who come to this country and steal welfare by the billions.  That matters.. that hurts the people of the United States.  It IS going to stop.

  4. That's some stereotyping you've got going on there. I mean, Latinos on a whole look all sorts (blonde hair/blue eyes, mocha or olive complexion, etc.). Look at some of the telenovelas on Univision or what-have-you. A lot of the actors (such as that Alejandro guy off Al Diablo con Los Guapos) look completely American w/the blonde hair and ivory complexion, but are truly Mexican! I personally know Mexicans - from Mexico - who don't have a single person in their family with black hair, let alone black eyes.

    As for your question... you'd be deported regarding your visa status (or lack thereof) - not for how you look.

  5. lol. wow im embarassed that you consider yourself mexican!

  6. lol you look white, and btw please deport any illegal immigrant you know

  7. Color or looks have nothing to do with one being deported. Legal status is the only determination. What "looks" Mexican? My father had dark brown eyes and black hair, he was German descent, I have several Hispanic/Mexican friends with your coloring, I am afraid I don't get what you are asking. Its interesting you find "looking Mexican" ugly, with your alternative lifestyle one would think you would not be so judgmental regarding others.


  9. Yes you could still be deported, because their are illegals of all nationalities! They would just have to take a second look at your documents!

  10. oooh your a cutie pa tutie!  and since it seems you may be fishing for a, I don't think we could deport a freckled cutie like you. ...better? good.

  11. Wow, you are racist to your own culture. Unbelievable! This is my recommendation: grow up.

  12. You look very white to me. I doubt anyone would guess just by looking that you have a Mexican heritage. BTW- Technically, hispanic is  a subset of "caucasian".

  13. Don't be insecure about who and what you are.  

    You're just a cute Ameican guy.  Forget the race thing!

    -What did I say wrong?  Why the thumbs-down.  I'd be very interested in hearing why.

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