
Ok so im worried . ..

by Guest63524  |  earlier

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I am 7 days late ( Instead of a period i have pinkish CM) and i did a pregnancy test this morning and it was neg :( . Last month my doc put me on clomid as i have PCOS and have been TTC for 2 yrs now. . .

i have been experiencing cramping for 2 weeks now like sharp pains now and then, what feels like in my Ovarie areas. . .

Did i do a HPT to early? is there still hope for me? and any ideas if im not pregnant what can cause my period to disappear




  1. stress can cause a missed period as well as change in diet and exercise. this doesnt mean you are not pregnant.

  2. Try to test again (first thing in the morning before you drink anything) if it's neg...try going to your doc for a blood test.

  3. if ur worried wait a couple weeks do another test but there is so many things that could stop ur period or make it late bad diet, stress,if ur sick there is a number of things that could put a hold on it  

  4. This is really serious, you need to change doctors if your not geting solutions from you current doctor.

  5. I have PCOS too. I have a major question for you. Did you ovulate? Do you know when? Because I do know that Clomid can cause long cycles and delay ovulation.  So it's very possible you've tested too early. Pinkish CM can also be implantation bleeding. There is still hope for this cycle. Keep thinking positively, it WILL happen.  

  6. how many days has it been between your periods...I also have PCOS and was put on Clomid for five months. I recently stoped taking it because this last cycle lasted 20 days. My doctor told me that it could happen as early as 21 days and my cycle could start as late at 40 days and not be a concern. the pinkish color could have been your period trying to start and the cramping also sounds like it. Last month I had cramps that sometimes were quite painful and went in for an ultrasound and they said my right ovary was enlarged which happens on Clomid. You could be pregnant but by what your explaining I would have to say its a slim chance. My doctor told me to wait 10 days after my expected cycle and then test. If it was negative then to wait for my cycle to start and then do the next round of pills. If it doesn't start soon though and you still get a negative you should call your doctor so he can put you on progersterone to get your cycle going.

  7. Sounds to me like you are pregnant.

    I did a HPT a few days after my missed period and the line was so faint if I didn't stare at it all day it could easily have been discarded as Neg. It sounds like implantation bleeding which for me was a pink/brown discharge like you describe.

    TEST AGAIN!!!! Get an expensive one and do it first thing in the morning

    All the baby dust in the world for you

    P xxxx

  8. I'm in the same boat as you.. I called my OBGYN and she wants to see me. She did state that maybe 6-12 days after a missed period for some women is too soon to test.

    I'd suggest a blood test. Sometimes women don't have enough HCG in their urine early on to be detected by a HPT.

    Call you doctor not only because your late but because you have PCOS and you want to make sure everything is ok.

    Good luck!  
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