
Okay, a question about her?

by  |  earlier

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okay. so I really like this girl that I met over the weekend. she is my cousins friend. and she is beautiful. but that's not the only reason I like her. I just have this strong attraction to her. and it FELT like she was giving me signals

here's a question that really explains it more:;_ylt=AqZtM.P2MY3rDSe6IbBT65Hty6IX;_ylv=3?qid=20080825191441AAIwtq3

so I talked to my cousin over myspace and I asked if she was g*y, straight, or bi...and my cousin said that she thinks she is straight. so that really kinda 'broke my heart' (lol...loser right here) b/c I REALLY REALLY like her. and that doesnt really happen to me...

so what I am asking there a chance that she told me cousin she was straight b/c not very many people accept it? I know I did. and still do sometimes there any way I could 'make' her like me? so THEN she would like me??

or is it cuz I'm not as pretty??


I am going to add some photos...and tell me what I can change to make me prettier to see if she will eventually like me

any other advice? that would be great!

body shots

thank you all! and please look at all of them and help me





  1. OK, let's see...

    You are pretty, i wouldn't change anything if i were you =)

    This girl, she really could have said she's straight for the reason you mentioned, it's quite normal. Then, if you say you felt something like she was giving you signals, i'd give a try...

    So this is what i'd do:

    when i were with her in the street i'd tell her something like 'look at that girl, she's so pretty' or something like that, then watch her reaction. It can happen that even if you show her that you're a L*****n/bi/whatever she's scared or embarrassed, it would also be quite normal...

    You'll have to get to know her better, become friends, then approach slowly.

    Even if she still doesn't know there's a chance you'll be together. Most people are bisexual, just go slowly

    Good Luck!!

  2. i definitely dont think its because of your looks.

    she could justt be straight.

    & she could not be.

    you'd really have to ask her,,

    or get to know her a little more  

  3. Well, maybe she is not straight and wants to hide the fatc that she is g*y or bi. The only way u could find out is by asking her, maybe u could get your cousin to ask her or you could do it yourself. I think you are very pretty and i wouldnt change anything, but i think you shouldnt change yourself for anyone. Anyway if that girl doesnt work you could call me ;) lol im just kidding. Hope i helped byee  

  4. dont think that way, if she doesnt like you how you are now its not worth it. youre beautiful and if someone does not see that then move on.

    I would be cautious about just asking her. it insults slot of people i guess if they arent. but try to find out other ways... talk to her, ask her about her current/ past boyfriends, ask her how she feels about g*y people. talk to your cousin some more, ask some of her friends...

    dont give up=)

  5. Nothing you have the most s**y body and natural face that i have seen in a long time (its all about self confidence and how you approach life is what i find attrachive in a women)

    If i was women i would be the first one to ask you out ;)  

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