
Okayy soo im getting contacts tomorrow

by  |  earlier

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and i just wanted to i know what kind feels comfy

i also wanted to know if it hurts any

thanks for the help





  1. contacts dont usually hurt. The doctor will suggest what you should wear and set you up with a trial pair, so dont worry. It takes some time to get use to, but once u get the process of puttin them in and out, its not a problem.

  2. it hurts ant first to put them, but you get used to them, but hydroclear are good cause your eyes dont  go dry as much

  3. hey, this is my second day wearing contacs and its comfortable. Actually once you put it on you dont realise that they are on. For me, I&#039;m 14 and once i put them on i went out and played basketball, and after playing for 10 mins I forgot I had put my contacts on! Right now im on my trial lenses and they are awesome!

    It does not hurt and it will take a while to learn how to put on, like at the optical clinic it took me an hour to put on both lenses and take both off! so dont feel bad if you cant put them on within 5 mins.

    hope i helped :)

  4. well its not a answer or anything but thats a great question  i am thinking about getting contacts. since i look good with glasses and without i want to try a trial pair just to see if i would want contacts.

  5. it&#039;s fine but it takes a while to get used to them. maybe like a week or two. but it&#039;s different for everyone cause my friend had no problems at all when she first got them.

    but when i first got them it kept feeling like i had a strand of hair in my face.... but that feeling went away after a while.  

  6. The only time they start to get uncomfortable is if you keep them in for too long.  Also don&#039;t forget wash them after every use.  Good luck!

  7. Well, on the comfortable note, that is always different depending on the person. Your doctor will probably give you different kinds to try when youre there and you can pick your favorite kind. They will set you up with a trial pair and then order that kind you picked for your prescription. Then in about two weeks you can pick up your new contacts!

    Contacts shouldn&#039;t hurt at all. But you MUST wash your hands before putting them in, and be very careful with what makeup you use. It is easy to get an eye infection (pink eye) with contacts and you dont want that.

    Also, if you dont get the kind that you can keep in constantly, dont forget to take them out before going to bed! When I forgot to one time my eyes got EXTREMELY irritated. It was horrible.

    Congrats and good luck! =]

  8. haha i got contacts too! they feel fine, kind of weird at first but you get use to it! they feel cold to put in but they are wayyy better than glasses! you will ove them!!

  9. it does feel a little weird in the beginning but then u get used to them

    for me it was kind of hard to put them in then take them out i got a acuvue   ur doctor will tell u more though and one more thing u prob willl hav blurred vision wen the doc puts them in the first time

  10. It takes awhile to get used to putting them in, but once you do, you don&#039;t feel a thing.

  11. your doctor should give you a brand and you should prolly stick to that brand, they are prolly the best for your eyes

    they only hurt when you put them in but that only lasts for about the first week or so

  12. The first time I tried mine on, they were so uncomfortable that I wanted to give them up altogether, however, after weeks of mastering the techniques and what once took maybe a couple of minutes to put them in, turned into seconds.

    Now I love my contacts...but I&#039;m hoping to get lasic eye surgery...I want to be able to see while swimming.

  13. Oh MAN! If it&#039;s your first time inserting that sucker into your eye, brace yourself for h**l, and NOT because it&#039;s painful but rather because you will THINK it is. My doc gave up on me after 45 minutes of hysterics and maniacal laughter and my inability to put them in (but i prevailed). Contacts (when inserted correctly) are extremely comfortable, you will soon forget they&#039;re there (which means you might fall asleep with them on :D). So in short, NO it does NOT hurt but you might have trouble jamming it in your eyeball the first time. Just keep your eyes WIDE open and don&#039;t flinch or blink. Good luck :D

  14. make sure you tell your doctor you want solf contact lenses not the gas permuble ones (i can&#039;t spell) because the hard lenses even though there better for your eye they hurt so much!!! i like acuvue contacts i have then for about 2 years n they are very comfortable!! :)

  15. i wear contacts and i use the breathable oxygen kind that you can sleep in because i had trouble remembering to take mine out at the end of the day...when you first put them in it will feel different at first it may be difficult to put them in or take them out but your eye doctor will help with you that at first...mine didn&#039;t let me leave with them until i had taken them out and put them in a couple times and they made sure i was doing everything far as them hurting no you don&#039;t even realize that they are in your eyes! it&#039;s way better than glasses  

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