
Old Sayings :) ?

by  |  earlier

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Hey everyone I was just looking for some old sayings about fame or fortune to add to my myspace

i already ave stuff like; 'people will always talk so give them something to talk about' and 'centre stage is worth the bruises' so does anyone have anymore i could add like that?

thanks to anyone who answers!! :)





  1. 1. The height of your flight will also be the height of your downfall. (fame)

    2. “If you want to feel rich, just count the things you have that money can&#039;t buy” (money)

    3. Money makes the world go round.. (money)

  2. 1.) Less said best said.

    2.) Silence is golden

    3.) Don&#039;t sweep your neighbor&#039;s doorstep before sweeping your own first. ( means, mind your own business)

    4.) I&#039;m rubber, you&#039;re glue what you say to me bounces off of me and returns to you.

    5.) To many sunsets have hidden behind the mountains. Means, ( It&#039;s to late to apologize now.)

    6,) What go&#039;s around comes around.

  3. &quot; dont say dont quote me, because if no one quotes you, you havent said a thing worth saying&quot;


  4. Old is gold.

  5. here are few more:

    A good run is better than a bad stand

    Act in haste, repent in leisure

    All good things come to those who wait

    An ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure]

    Count your blessings, not your problems

    Do unto others shat you would have them do unto you

    Don&#039;t criticize a man till you have walked a mile in his shoes

    Failure may be the stepping stone to success

    hope you liked them.

    take care !
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