
Old and young people!!?

by  |  earlier

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old people are always complaining about teenagers sayin they have no manors e.t.c.

but i move out the way for them give up a seat on a bus open doors for them and do they say thanks??


if it was the otherway round they wouldnt shut up about it arr the younguns these days never say thanks bla bla bla

anyone else had this??

anyone agree?

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  1. ...i dnt kno any old ppl like that

  2. hahaha, yeah!

    and sometimes they don't give you a chance to do anything nice for them!

    like my mom is always nagging on me to do stuff, and i do it, like dishes or whatever, and then she will be talking to her friends and says i don't do anything!

    i'm like, woman! i just did it!

    hahahha, old people are just bitter and jealous:)

  3. i agree totally with what you are saying the amount of times i have as you say opened doors moved in shops and they don't say thankyou it really annoy me. and when they moan about the youngsters of today well what i say is well who brought them up yes the older generation lol !!!!

  4. I'm sure the old people don't mean all teenagers. But it is true, alot of teens nowadays have no respect for anyone. But in your defense....there are a few good ones out there.

  5. lol

  6. Older people are always jealous of the younger, and younger people are jealous of the older people for some reason or another.  I think some of the older generations also look at kids today and see how liberal people are today compared to when they were kids.  They might interpret this as bad manners, when in fact, its just the changes in society.  Its kind of funny, but the best we can do as the younger crowd is be polite as possible....we might be the same as them in another 40-60 years :)

  7. I am never like that

  8. I rarely find old people to be rude, some do go on and have a nag but the vast majority of rudeness comes from the younger people who have rubbish parents that condone their rubbish behaviour

  9. I have seen that yes. Where younger people get up and receive no thanks from the older person they moved for. But more often than not I have witnessed an elderly person getting on a bus for instance and NO ONE offering them a seat. I am talking teenagers, 20, 30, 40 somethings that are all perfectly able to stand up who don't (apart from me of course)! I don't necessarily think it is an age thing more a bit of a sad reflection on our society. We are out really for ourselves and at a stretch our loved ones. I think often older people feel overtaken and left behind by the communities they helped build, and you have to admit our culture in general isn't one that respects our elders. That is where the bitterness comes from and the "good old days" talk too.

  10. some old people are really rude. Once there was one who wasn't that old and looked like she could stand on the bus, she asked a heavily pregnant to move. She got into an argument with the woman and I steped in to defend the pregnant woman. Then the not so old lady started banging on at me about how i have no manners because im a teenager. Sometimes I think old people believe they are the only ones on earth

  11. Well, not all teens are nice and give up seats and open doors for them.  They probably don't say thanks because they are old.  I mean, I probably will be crabby when I can barely walk, look like the grim reaper, and have dried up.

    But all kidding aside, in Italy, I felt that people respected their elders like none other, and there was no "thanks" expected, they just knew that doing that was the way it was done!

  12. sure, but most elders and not all have done a lot for the community in which you could say that they deserve the right to be respected by the young ones. but most but not all young ones know this. i'd say 1 out of 8 would say thank you.

    good luck!

  13. I totally agree.

    The other day my friend was trying to get through a door but there was an old lady in the way so he said excuse me but she didn't move. So he had to squeeze past and she said. "Teenagers are so rude"

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