
Olympic Sponsors... Hmm?

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I know a sponsor doesn't reflect Olympians or the Olympics in general. But, don't you think it's funny how Mcdonalds is such a huge sponsor?

I understand Nike, it ties in with sports.

I understand 24 Hour Fitness, they need to be fit!

I understand Vitamin Water (Although normal water is still better).

But, Mcdonalds is pretty much what every athlete will tell you not to eat if you ever wish to make it to the Olympics.

It's pretty much what you want to eat everyday if you want to be immobilized by your own weight while WATCHING the Olympics in front of your television.

When a sponsor sign someone (or something, shouldn't the sponsor be backed by what they're putting money into?

Example: Volcom sponsors a skateboarder. Would you see that skateboarder go to a photo shoot wearing Element?

No! Because the skateboarder would back what he is sponsored by.

In this case, I understand it's different since it's an event being sponsored. But, athletes want to eat healthy.

Another example of an ironic sponsor: Politicians supporting peace!

Haha, just kidding. Seriously, imagine this;

Hitler promoting diversity. (apologies for the touchy name drop)

Mcdonalds is something EVERY Olympian wants to avoid.

Hitler is someone you don't want to come in contact with if you fit in the category "diverse".

Anyways, my questions;

1. Do you find this as ironic as I do?

2. Who would be most qualified to sponsor the Olympics?

3. Do you agree with my thoughts? Yes/no/why?


I understand Mcdonalds is not comparable to Hitler and we should not belittle what atrocities Hitler has committed. I was only making an example of the vast difference between Mcdonalds and an Athlete.

I understand Mcdonalds is just a company and money is money and it's not going to get turned down just because Olympians wouldn't get caught dead eating it.

My point is that VIRTUALLY all sponsors are backed by the Sponsored.




  1. I agree that athletes wouldn't eat McD's but I suppose they train so much they can afford the luxury of eating a burger now and then....

    I guess the real travesty is that 'normal' people without the exercise regime don't burn up all the calories from eating Maccas.....

    However, I do like to have McD's occasionally...I just up my exercise that day...BALANCE....

  2. The commercials that are pissing me off are the Exxon-Mobil

    ones.  They are spending millions and millions for some positive

    PR about how they are really the good guys, helping children

    in the fields of math and science.  What a crock of c**p.

    All the while, they are raping the masses who drive and consume

    their gas product.

  3. I've said it before and I'll say it again.  Nobody should eat at McDonald's.  The food is totally nasty.  Also, people should either turn off the TV, fast forward if recording, or mute the TV during commercials.  Nobody needs this c**p pounded into their brains.  

  4. dude did u seriously just type all of this?

  5. Actually American sprinter Tyson g*y loves McDonald's, his Coach Jon Drummond said "He loves McDonald's," says Drummond. That's not exactly the diet of champions. "He's been eating McDonald's his whole life, and look at what he's done, Who am I to say it's bad for him?"

  6. well, McDonalds should be sued by millions of people because they are getting their customers puckered up (more fat).  

  7. I COMPLETLEY agree with the McDonalds thing-that chicken thing they keep pushing has like 450 calories and is DRIPPING with grease....obviously olmypic athletes would avoid it....

    I tried it once and will NEVER eat it again.

    Shawn Johnson's 24 Hr. Fitness commercial was funny...

    Edit-Vitamin Water is HORRIBLE for you...if you drink a bottle of it a day and don't burn the 200 calories it has, you can gain 20 pounds within a year...

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