
Olympic sports question from t v ?

by  |  earlier

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personal choice. how in hades can canada win a silver medal, or any other country for that matter. you recive silver for loosing the gold . do people really care who lost . yes i am retired pro athelete . who has destroyed locker rooms . for the same reson. no ring




  1. Sounds like you have anger management problems. Nothing wrong with getting a silver or bronze medal in the Olympics. How many people can call themselves an Olympian let alone that they won a gold,silver, or bronze medal there.  

  2. Well from the sound of it you never won a fourth is as good as you have got...maybe if you would have ever had the opportunity to stand on the podium and recieve a medal you might feel differently.  Wait, are you that wacko Swedish wrestler nutjob guy?  That might explain your anger problem.

  3. You sure have the right name. In your spare time take some grammar lessons.

  4. I still don't see silver or bronze as losing

    they still proved they are in the top 3 of their event in the world

    which is better than 1 or 2 other people in the world can say

  5. been in situation  you described. yours will become the most hated question regarding the olympics. there is a very simple reason for this, number one it is the most definate question asked in this forum . you cannot win the silver medal. like you stated the players do not ,willnot care about silver. nobody cares who finished second . great question . best comment yet . very unpopular, but 110% correct.

  6. In the Olympics, I don't see anyone as a loser, even those that don't win a medal.  Every country sends their best athletes, athletes that have worked hard for many months and years to perfect their chosen sport.  It requires dedication, endless workouts, practices and sacrifices.  To me, they are all winners.    

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