
Omg im really annoyed?

by  |  earlier

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how do i get rid of a brain freeze? how do i eat a popsicle without getting one!




  1. After you're done eating a popsicle stick your tounge on the palate or top of your mouth :) Or drink something hot xD Hope that helps!

  2. haha eat it slower... or don't take as big a bites.. brain freezes are killers!

  3. ok i got this in an e-mail.

    put your thumb on the roof of your mouth and push hard till it stops i think it works. :)

  4. now sit down...have a warm cup of coffee/tea..get you partner to rub your feet..(tell them thats the only way to get rid of it)..then get them to run you a nice bubbly, you wont be annoyed much longer....

  5. I don't try to take big bites. Try something warm.

  6. just leave it will work

  7. Put your thumb on the roof of your mouth!

  8. Breath through your nose.  Works for me every time

  9. stick your thumb up on the roof of your mouth and hold it there until it stops. it works trust me!

  10. warm water, immediate relief!!

  11. Brain freezes last like 30 umm dont bite popsicles..theres no way to get rid of a lasts 30 sec ...suck it up

  12. its caused from nerve endings on the roof of your mouth... the skin is so thin that the cold hits the nerve endings sending a pain signal to your brain.... jam your tongue on the roof of your mouth as hard as you can as soon as you feel the pain. also dont let the popsicle hit the roof of your mouth.....

  13. to get rid of brain freeze you put your them onto the middle of the roof of your mouth. Hold for five seconds. If you don't want brain freeze, you have to try to keep the Popsicle from touching that exact spot. (saw it in a book! It usually works!)
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