
Omg spacers question HELP?

by  |  earlier

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okay so ive had my spacer for about 5 days,

and im getting braces next friday.

and today, i forgot that i wasnt allowed to eat toffees or caramels, etc

so i had a caramel,

and it made one of my spacers be pushed up right to the top of my tooth :S

i know for sure it didnt fall out,

you can see a bit of it.

I have to wait until monday to go to the orthodontist

to get it redone.

will this affect my treatment in any way? :(

garr i only just realised how big the gap is that spacers leave :)

its really quite weird.

oh and also

will the gap the spacers make be there FOREVER?

thanks, :)




  1. When I had spacers 2 of them came out, and my orthodontist he told me that it wouldn't matter. So don't worry about it :)

  2. i don't know that it will affect your treatment in anyway at all

    also when the braces are put on they close the spaces you spacers leave behind

  3. Nope. When I had spacers one came out. No big deal. Personally, I think it was worth it since caramels are so delicious. :]

    Anyway, they're only there to make room for all the braces and stuff, so don't worry about them :)

    And yes, it really is weird. When the spacers were removed I was more than surprised at the huge gap. It's amazing and slightly strange at the same time.

  4. Well, no it won't really affect anything unless it falls out because some of mine fell out and they just had to wait another week to put my braces on.

    Just as long as it's in there then I wouldn't worry about it too much.

    No, the gap won't always be there there's a little one when you get your braces off but I wouldn't worry about that because it closes up and it's not even noticable.

    So, good luck with the braces!


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