
On a Drivers' License Test....?

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Wednesday I am taking a drivers' license test and I was wondering if anyone knew what types of things are on it or what it is like?




  1. Written test or road test?

    for written test- know blood alcohol content numbers, street signs,

    road test- left turn, right turn, k-turn, parallel parking, keep hands at 9 and 3, use both hands to turn, check mirrors a lot.

  2. the writen test?

    they give you senarios and laws and sometimes signs

    actualy driving test?

    parallel parking, turning, speed control, changing lanes

  3. Depends on what state.

    But if it's a driver's license test, you just drive around the block make sure you use your blinker and stop correctly and what not. And you have to parallel park. But that's in Arizona.

  4. It mostly depends on what state you are in. You can go to the DMV homepage for your state and take a pratice exam and that will help you a lot!

  5. you have to know all the rude gestures to show people when they p**s you off such as when they cut you off, give them the finger or yell at the top of your voice profanities and beep the horn excessively. it takes a lot of practice. good luck

  6. I know you have to parallel park

  7. you drive around for about 5 minutes, and then you back around a corner. also, know how to park down and up hill because they will ask.

  8. In mine, I didn't have to take to the highway.

    They see if you know how to make left turns yielding. They see if you know how to make go-ahead right turns when the light is red (treat like a stop sign).

    They have you back around a corner and look how you check your mirrors.

    Parallel parking.

    Stop signs.

    Manual signaling.

    The test lasts about 30 minutes.

  9. Just study the booklet they gave you. They WILL ask you questions directly from there like what to do when you're car lost traction on the ice, etc.

  10. well i live in ohio but all i ded was drive out the parking lot turn right, and then left at a stop sign turn again and then go to menuver ability where you go into 4 cones than back back out. very easy here

  11. in the computer test you should memorize all the fines you have to pay if something happens. this is critical! on the driving test be carefull with the stops,if you miss one you will fail the test. It is actually fine if you cant parallel park, you can still pass the test if you do everything else fine so dont worry about it. Dont drive too fast OR TOO SLOW[ I had to repeat my test ONLY because of the fact that i drove on 26mph where it was a 35mph, i thought i was playing safe but its not good] and dont worry about it youll be fine, te worst that can happen is that you have to take it again and still, thats not the end of the world. This applies for texas but it should be similiar throughout usa


    depends what state your in...

  13. you have to pass manueverability which is passing through a set of cones, stopping even with your bumper lined up with a cone, then backing up back through them (almost in a V shape)

    then...there is the road test which involves you and a passenger taking a drive throught some local streets while they give you directions and evaluate your driving.

    good luck

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