
On an Airplane????? PLEASE HELP?

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Could we have a kinda detailed list. Also one of my daughters is diabetic.




  1. hi you

    believe it or not as little as passable is the best for the plane you have books for them to read or puzzles books for the car music CD`s or tapes of if they have mp3 players i am unsure if you will be able to use them in flight or not but i know take of and landing will be out or if they have them hand held games they to would he handy thing to use as they or small and light hi you i am also so a diabetic and i have been on a good few flights for your girl that is bring a snack and something for her to eats airports and airlines or not diabetic friendly

  2. Boiled sweets and books.

  3. Find something to keep you busy.  You can read and buy some travel games for the twins.  Some airlines have movies on long trips so you can purchase it.  Hopefully the movie will be good for the twins.  As for the bags.  Pack what you need in your bag for what you will need for your trip and the same for what the twins will need.  Call the airline as to how much you can carry on and check in.  Also ask the airlines for what your limit is on sprays and toiletries.  They have to be separated unless you check the bags in with your toiletries, but call and confirm!

  4. Take something to keep them and yourself entertained - books, comics, toy etc. Also you migh want a small snack like a biscuit. Better not to take any water/drinks, you can always ask the staff to give you some. Also if it's a late night flight get a couple of those blow-up cushions for the girls to support their heads, otherwose they will wake up with a sore back.

  5. Something to amuse you and your daughters. Maybe books, games consoles, portable board games. I also take my ipod when travelling (make sure it is in flight safe mode though). You will want refreshments and snacks too but you may not be able to take them on the plane so eat them first. take money too, just incase but make sure it is safe when you put it in the luggage compartment. Take boiled sweets for landing and take off to prevent ear popping

    Have a nice journey!

  6. twins - take something they will find fun to do, electronic toys, books, pencils and paper

    things you can do togethor such as a card game

    you will need to remember all your travel documents, drink, sweets or something :-S

    also remember wet wipes and handkerchiefs

    have a  good trip! :)

  7. Take A Book/Comic and a cames consel a mp3 paper a Camera's a must and pens and mabey a sleeping pill :P  Have Fun On Your Plane

  8. Take some snacks and some things to do, e.g. books, portable games consoles, magazines, travel board games and stuff like that.

  9. Take as little as possible, and no drinks - they aren't allowed in the plane...  the more you take the longer it will take to get through security....

    p.s. For those who haven't been on a plane in the last 3 years, you can't take more than 100ml of fluid onto the plane, and you can only have one bag per passenger...

    If you think your daughter might need some sugar during the flight, take raisins...

  10. drinks are allowed on the airplane but they give out free ones to just bring snacks magazines i brought my laptop! travel games books game boys etc. magazines, mp3 ipods, i brought a camera, have fun

  11. take the bare essentials onboard, and put everything else in the hold, take a book for the girls, or a couple of girly magazines

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