
Onboard charging system for electric car?

by  |  earlier

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I am looking at building a electric car from the ground up

but i want a onboard charging system for the scenario where i'm not anywhere near a outlet(woods)

now I am looking at a 160v w a AC motor linked to a manual fwd trans

now the original plan was to use a generator (and build a larger tank and move the controls inside the cab-key/breakers-- inside the driver compartment and mount the gas motor/alternatior to the frame w motor mounts to lessen the vibration) i want to produce 220 and charge in half the time(4/5hrs)

this would make it a hybrid kinda because the charging system would only be in use when the car is stopped and the key/motor were turned on

now at first i was going to go from generatior to a 220v charging box(the same type as if i was going to use a 220v outlet)but is there any way i could go without it

not only would this save room and cash but the less stuff to replace the better.

I can't go further in design until i get the charging system worked out





  1. I would use a portable generator. that way you can ditch the access weight most of the time.

  2. Most evs are lucky to go about 40 miles.  You shouldn't discharge your batteries much beyond 60% if you want them to last.  So at best, 1/2 gal to go 40 mi, plus the 3-4 K to build the ev? plus the cost of the glider?  Just get a lil coleman generator.

  3. So you're gonna build an electric car that uses a on-board gas engine to charge it. A gas engine that will have to run for 4-5 hours (spewing evil, evil greenhouse gasses all the while and making Mother Nature cry) and give you enough charge to drive maybe 100 miles? And it'll be inside the passenger compartment? And this'll be an extremely efficient gas engine with computerized fuel injection and catalytic converter? Kinda like the one you pulled out of the car in the first place? Yeah, that oughta work good.

  4. sounds like you got the right idea, i have a few projects of my own going on too.

    an on-board charger is a great idea, but adds a lot of weight to the vehicle, the generator idea is great, sounds like the chevy volt.

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