
One caste one religion one god?

by Guest59540  |  earlier

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Hello. I need some help on the topic "One caste, One religion, One God". Can someone send a link or something because I really need help on it for an essay work and I am not able to find anything. Links, a few points, notes, your views, anything would help. Thank you.




  1. One individual , one eye , one nostril , one leg , one lobe of lung , one chamber in the one heart and one side only for every object and one hand only and one finger only in the only one hand , and one dimensiononly in the universe , and one dimension ( side ) only for the world , will there be any existence at all ?

    Will anything with only one side ( dimension) , exist at all at least in imagination?

    Folly should has its limits, I think.!

    I think that even God would require at least two legs and two hands in the minimum ,though he might require at least five  toes and fingers respectively in each leg and hand .

  2. One God one religion is the principle followed since the starting of mankind. When the scientists invented from genetic studies that all human beings came from one african mother, it goes without saying, all are brothers and sisters.

    The definition of God is just a supreme power. He does not have names, shape colour and gender. He is neither born nor gives birth. So he has no father no mother. He is not related with anyone. All are his slaves, not sons. He is an unimaginable power.

    Religion is to correct man from his mistakes. It is possible only by 90 percent force and 10% advise. If there is an universal religion, the control is possible if the religious leader is also the national leader. Otherwise it is simply waste of energy preaching philosophies.

    This philosophy is readily accepted by all because people are already following it without a name. Later it was given a name Islam. Islamic countries function this way and the result is history. They ruled the world once. There are 1.5 billion followers and still growing in numbers.

    The popularity of one God attracted so many attacks and blames.

    People lived in the name of God lost their income. As punishments were stringent, the crime rates were less. Implementation of any new law is easy. National progress was tremendous. No red tapes, no corruption, no theft, no cheating. A near ideal society we can witness even today.

  3. One Love, Jah Rastafari....

  4. Queen lyrics!


    Fried Chicken!

    Yeah. Great stuff!

  5. Follow the path of Love instead of caste, religion etc.

  6. That is quite impossible in present world where people so much like to hate each other .

  7. I do not have links. But I can tell you that there are millions of planets and on all these planets there is only one cast and one religion and of course one GOD. you can send me mail at  I will try and explain more fully

  8. Belief in the oneness of humankind, of religion, and of the Creator is basic to the Baha'i Faith.

    The religions are all founded by Manifestations of God, who appear and re-appear from time to time in history to renew the vital covenant between the Creator and the creation.(Recall the famous promise of Lord Krishna in the Bhagavad Gita: 'yadaa yadaa...' . All other religions include this promise, formulated in slightly different ways.)

    Each religion is a chapter in an as-yet unfinished book by one and the same divine Author. Baha'is call this .'progressive revelation'.

    The teachings of each religion include a basic, essentially spriritual portion. This portion is essentially identical in every religion, except for the degree to which it is exposed and made explicit.

    The teachings of each religion also include a social portion which is especially adapted to the needs and specific challenges of the day: teachings about marriage, food, or anything else. These are dramatically different from epoch to epoch and from place to place.

    The social teachings of religions are the bases of the various societies and cultures. The flagrant contrasts between the social teachings of the religions of the world are what creates the impression that religions are essentially at odds with each other, or even that, who knows, they may follow a different God!

    It is an objective of the Baha'i Faith to reveal the essential spiritual oneness of all religions, and to achieve thereby the unity of humankind.

    It is a specific prediction of the Baha'i teachings that this oneness will soon no longer be concealed, but will be generally acknowledged throughout the world.

    If you are in Delhi, you can get information directly from the 'Lotus Temple'.

    On line, try

    You may also e-mail me at any time via this medium.

  9. Won't be of any help, even the identical twins pick at each other and have good and bad moments with each other.

  10. It is the teaching of Sri narayana Guru. Search Sri narayana guru and you will find relevant details.

  11. All are believing God is one, but they do not want to think on one caste and one religion without accepting the truth.  All because of pride and ego without any love.  God is love.  Satan is hatred.  People will react upon what they have more either God or satan.

    Gods, characters are love, forgivness, and sacrifice.  Satan's characters are just opposite to God's.

  12. Christianity was originally this way. There was no clergy - laity division. All members were preachers.

    Details for quotes.

    From: M’Clintock and Strong’s Cyclopedia, Volume II, page 386

    "The Jewish antithesis [seperation] of clergy and laity was at first unknown among Christians; and it was “only as men fell back from the evangelical to the Jewish point of view” that the idea of the general Christian priesthood of all believers gave place, more or less completely, to that of the special priesthood or clergy

    "So Tertullian, even (De Baptismo, c. 17, before he became a Montanist): The laity have also the right to administer the sacraments and to teach in the community. The Word of God and the sacraments were by the grace of God communicated to all, and may therefore be communicated by all Christians as instruments of the divine grace.

    But the question here relates not barely to what is permitted in general, but also to what is expedient under existing circumstances. We may here use the words of St. Paul, ‘All things are lawful for men, but all things are not expedient.’

    If we look at the order necessary to be maintained in the Church, the laity are therefore to exercise their priestly right of administering the sacraments only when the time and circumstances require it.”

    From the time of Cyprian; the father of the hierarchical system, the distinction of clergy and laity became prominent, and very soon was universally admitted. Indeed, from the third century onward, the term clerus (kle´ros, ordo) was almost exclusively applied to the ministry to distinguish it from the laity.

    As the Roman hierarchy was developed, the clergy came to be not merely a distinct order (which might consist with all the apostolical regulations and doctrines), but also to be recognised as the only priesthood, and the essential means of communication between man and God."

    On preaching, historian Edward Gibbon says in The Decline and Fall of the Roman Empire: "The zeal of Christians diffused them through every province in almost every city of the [Roman] empire."

  13. No caste, no religion, no god.

    It amounts to the same thing.

  14. Please go to they teach this very subject.

  15. If he were still alive, you could have had quite a nice conversation with Hitler.

  16. There is only one Religion, the religion of Love,

    There is only one Caste, the caste of humanity,

    There is only one language, the language of the heart,

    There is only one God and He is omnipresent..

    so says Sri Sathya Sai Baba (

    Again, the Hindu scriptures say, Ekam sath vipraha bahudhaa vadhanthi (Truth is one and the wise call it by different names)

    The head of a house is called by diifferent appellations as Father by his children, Uncle by his nephews and nieces, brother by a third category and cousins; even so the Lord is called in different ways by different groups of people..

    Hindu saints like Paramahamsa Ramakrishna (Sri Ramakrishna Mission), Paramahamsa Yogananda (Self Realisation Fellowship) etc extensively explain the unity of Religions in spite of their external variations in worship patterns beliefs and rituals..

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