
One more time. Cutting?

by  |  earlier

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So this is a very hard question to ask random strangers so pls take me seriously. I have been cutting myself for at least a year now. It's hard to look at the scars and it's just a habit I can't stop. I tried putting a rubber band on my wrist and when I feel the urge i snap it. But that never works. Can someone pls give me some help how to stop?

I said this in my last question and I got a lot of answers but they all told me to get help. I want to do it myself. So no1 knows. Something that makes me just not want to. I'm 13 and I started after something very hard to deal with when your 12 kinda thing happened. So now I have no clue. It will be 2 years in october I just don't know how to deal with it.




  1. you just need will power

    I have these huge urges to cut myself all the time, but I take apart my computer and put it back together instead.

    find something your good at and do it instead.

    basically to stop you need to distract yourself  

  2. Whenever you want to do it,

    Fight it.

    It isn't worth it at all.

    Find something else to distract your thoughts about it.

    Draw,call a friend,watch tv with the rents.



  3. wow, that's a tough one.

    you appear to be a very smart individual,

    cutting yourself isn't the best way to deal

    with your problems, your pain, or whatever it is

    that's bothering you.

    do you have someone [a friend] that you

    can talk to? someone you trust?

    there really has to be another way to vent...

    inflicting bodily harm isn't healthy at all.

  4. ask a doctor doesn't that hurt???

  5. Look back at that hard time you had to deal with. Think about it and every step that happened. Try to think of a way that you could have

    a) made it better

    b) realize it was a mistake and forgive yourself for it

    c) think of another way to see the good side of it

    The solution to cutting is to know the reason of why you have started.

    If you can find the true reason then you can figure out a way out of it.

    Sometimes the safest way to get rid of you habit is to talk to an adult that you feel safe around.

    Oh and just remember that cutting doesn't really help you... It only scars you forever and that scar always brings back memories that you want to forget but can't because it will always be there. If you want to get rid of your anxiouty then just try to go out for a run in the cool breeze... that tends to help when ever im feeling a bit blue. You may also like to read the book "CUT". It shows a life of a girl and her way through rough times like what you're going through.

    I hope what you're going through right now is just a phase and that you'll begin to understand the importance of your life and how cutting doesn't work. So yea... good luck overcoming this.

  6. you need to get help but, you have heard that before. it's true. you need to find out whats wrong in your head so you can change your habit to something better. you will not change or cutting would not be a habit. you may have issues you don't even know you have. This really is a problem for you. you are the only one who can deal with it!

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