
Online Bachelor's Degree Question?

by Guest32551  |  earlier

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If you have any experience with getting a degree online, I'd be interested in hearing it. I'm currently looking at that possibility, and am overwhelmed by the number of schools, and what they offer. I'd like a degree in Business Management.

What school did you use? Is it only online, or did you have to go to a bricks and mortar location for some things? Did you really learn as much as you would in a regular classroom? Would you recommend this track to someone else?

I am internet-savvy, work a full-time job, and have kids who need to be my focus. I need flexibility, an accredited, recognized degree, and the freedom to work at my own pace (usually quicker than the average).

Thanks in advance for your responses!






  1. I did not get my degrees on-line; However, I have some colleagues who got their PhD on-line.  Choose a University that is accredited, and you should be fine.

    One friend got his through University of Phoenix and he feels he got a good education, and employers accepted it as a legitimate degree.

  2. May be this site can help you

  3. Kate if what you are aiming for is a license or specialty certification it really doesn't matter so long as you obtain said license or certification.

    Other than that what would you need a degree for? Is it so you can say you have one or is your aim that of getting into a corporate environment because if you already have your own business what you perhaps could use is some additional specialized skills as opposed to diplomas.

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