
Online tutoring from india?

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im looking for someone from india to teach me math online (i live in la). And i prefer a well known company or a well known way for online tutoring from india. Im also looking for a resonable price so $100 a month isn't what im looking for and when i say teach me math i mean to cover up math in the section i want to and to help me for the upcoming tests i would have

thank you




  1. I don't know any companies from India.

    I do know there are libraries that provide tutoring.

    I know there are a ton of personal tutors out there.  Check any school bulletin board, or ask a teacher and you'll find one.

    I also know when I tutored, my going rate was $20.00 hourly if I had to come to you and $15.00 hourly if you came to me.  So that $100.00 a month (which sounds like too much to you) will only cover 5 hours a month.  

    I'm sure you can find some free help somewhere.  Libraries and teachers...that's the places to start.

    Good luck

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