
Only children?

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Are you an only child? Do you think there could be a nicer term for it? I'm not one but I was thinking that it rhymes with "Lonely" making it seem a bit sad....what are the good things about being an only child?




  1. I am not an only child, but I had one child for four years then we had our second child. I loved giving her all my attention but I couldn't imagine only having her, my life was not complete after having here. I still had empty pieces in me, which was filled by our second daughter and our son who is due next month.

  2. Im one and it can be lonely at times, but you have an extremely close bond with your parents and it helps keep you out of trouble cuz you have a closer watch on you

  3. I'm not an only child.  Don't know if any other terms exist.  The "only" thing I think is good about being an only child is probably getting your parent's undivided attention.

  4. It's easier to get away with things, and you'll get more attention. Also, everything is yours- no sharing! :p

  5. I'm an only child and have never been lonely, or spoilt for that matter. When I was little, I learnt to make my own fun and now enjoy spending time alone. Being an only child did mean that I got attention from my mum, however this did not mean I was spoilt. She taught me from an early age to appreciate everything I got. I now live with my mum, her partner, and his son, and to be honest, I hate it. I much prefered when I was alone.

  6. Spoiled brat me thinks?

  7. i was a only child and some days i do wish i had had siblings but then i see the c**p my freinds have to put up with from there siblings and suddenly it doesnt seem so bad , also i dont have to share anything =] i have privacy i get peice and quiet , i actually love the fact theres one of me =]

  8. u get alot of attention an never have to share x

  9. you get ALL the d**n attention for good & bad. My parents were in a Cult which they demanded i attend as well so my only / lonely childhood was screwed up for real.

  10. It doesnt bother me.  I was never lonely growing up.  But, we had a close extended family, so I had cousins my age, and my mom always made sure I had people to socialize with somewhere.

    Getting all the attention really kind of sucks though.  My parents were always too afraid something would happen to me.  I wasnt allowed to cross the street to check the mail by myself when I was 18!

  11. you get alot of new stuff and you dont have to share with anyone and more ateicione
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