
Open DNS????

by  |  earlier

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I have no idea how to set it up on my computer. I understand the click start yada yada yada part but I downloaded the application too, and it says Error: says it doesn't have a DDNS to accept host updates.... Says it doesn't exists and to check my account settings and click refresh. How do I fix this? Explain in detail please!!!!




  1. I had this same problem last week. what you need to do is point your DNS1 and DNS2 settings to the OPEN DNS address. They list it all over the place on their website. You need to go into your network places and right click local area connection then left click properties. Left click INTERNET PROTOCOL (TCP/IP) and then PROPERTIES click USE FOLLOWING DNS SERVERS and enter in the DNS addresses Sorry about the editing but I wanted to make sure you have the correct info. also the DNS addresses are:

  2. the first answer is right

    you enter those two dns numbers either into your router

    or on your computer in your tcp/ip of your network card

    thats all there is to begin with

    simple as that

    If you can do the router setup its easier and your whole network is set up
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