
Operating System Not Found?

by  |  earlier

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I’m having trouble with my windows xp operating system.. short history one day I turn my pc on and I kept getting this message (Operating System Not Found) so I went into bios to make the settings default.. I restart the pc and keep getting the same message.. went out got a new hard drive reinstall XP and I’m still getting the same message (Operating System Not Found) Can someone please help me..




  1. If you have changed hard drives and still have the same problem, then the problem is probably in the bios.

    Here's a knowledge base article about this problem.

  2. ... If you are using SATA then the hard drive with the OS partition on it needs to be connected to SATA port 1.  If you are using IDE then the hard drive with the OS partition on it needs to be set to MASTER and any other hard drive needs to be set to SLAVE

  3. hmmm, your whole  PC is damaged! tough :| anyway, get a linux computer.. they're cheaper :D

  4. Do you have an IBM pc ?

    I know this may sound strange , but several times

    I have seen IBM machines  come up with the

    "no operating system error" and the only fault

    was that the MOUSE was unplugged. After I plugged the mouse back in , I still had to go to the bios  and enable the mouse

    or I would still get the "no OS " error. After enabling the mouse,

    the error cleared and the machine booted.

    Crazy eh?   So check that  mouse. If you have a PS2 mouse,

    you might want to try using a usb mouse, just in case the PS2

    port is bad.

  5. Did you change the bootdrive in the bios back to C:?

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