
Operating System wars...?

by  |  earlier

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are stupid? seriously, WHAT do you get for promoting for Mac/Windows, for example? Mac won't give you a dime for that! but well, about Linux, they gave us such a nice piece of "OS" (software) and i think least i can do is tell people that something called (GNU)Linux *exists* lol!

*what do you think about OS wars?*




  1. I think OS wars are dumb. I personally like Ubuntu Linux the best, but there's so much compatibility issues between programs and linux these days that I have to keep a copy of XP installed on all my computers.

    The one thing I think is dumber is the Soda wars. Whats with the Coke or Pepsi product bull? When I go to a restaurant I want my favorite soda (Mt. Dew :D ) and I don't want a g*y rip off of it made by coke.

  2. Around a week ago I asked a similar question . This is how it was worded >

    How can the distro.vs distro. disease that has developed within the Linux Community be cured ?

    Not so long ago it was a result to have people using Linux at all, now it has developed into distro. war in some quarters WHY ? Surely we need to heal this rift that is developing. Any ideas ?


    The Linux community have laughed until our sides hurt at the Windows vs MAC saga, now rather more of a concern there seems to be a new distro. vs distro. disease creeping in to the point of downright flaming of other distros. to what the individual is using. This needs to be stopped and quickly at that otherwise we will find ourselves on uncommon ground and the Linux community could lose its cohesion that others envy.


  3. It is the same is a political debate, you try to explain your point of view and get people to see it your way.

  4. Linux rules!!!


    "GUIs are for dumb, and CLI are for geeks"

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