
Opinion on the way people dress?

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Do you agree/disagree that how one dresses on the outside reflects their personality and who they are on the inside?




  1. i admit sometimes im mean and i judge the way people dres but i never care how i dress. my style is comtable,cute and light colors. but not sure about the personalities part. i would disagree.

  2. Baggy clothes, long white tee's= thugs, gangster's

    suit, tie= professional

    tight clothes(pants, shirts)= g*y

    walking billboard( popular name brands)= metro-sexual..

    Hope this helps..

  3. What does the way people dress and who they are on the inside have to do with each other? They are totaly different things. I know people who dress like h**l's Angels but they are the nicest people. I also know people who dress in there sunday best and are total jerks.

    What people wear doesn't have any reflection on what's on the inside. That's why they say "don't judge a book by its cover."

  4. I agree that if you want to be treated a certain way then you should dress the part. For instance, if you want to be taken serious like for a job interview lets would more than likely wear a nice suit and tie (depending on the type of business) obviously a suit and tie would not be fitting for a server position at Hooters. What I am saying is dress the way you want to be treated. If you want or desire respect dress nice with a little more care in pressing or ironing of your clothes. You would not show up in blue jeans, a t-shirt and a baseball cap if you were the president of a major corporation. That would not instill an image of seriousness on your behalf to your employees. I think that if a person dresses sloppy that it usually means they are either unorganized, uneducated, or don't care. I think if a person dresses nicely and takes pride in their appearance then to me it says they are maybe more responsible, dedicated and  pay attention to the details. But that is only a generalized statement. You can't judge a book by its cover either. I mean look at Albert Einstein, a genius in his own right but obviously couldn't figure out how to work a hair brush. Yet he was highly respected.

  5. People dress for appearances sake.. I don't believe it necessarily reflects their true personality.. some people go to church just to show off what they wear nowadays.. not for the service... I judge a person by their character not by their clothes but if people are well dressed it's true they get treated better. if they wear torn jeans and not too  clean ones.. if they fall down in the street.. others will walk past and think. ''just another drunk or druggie'' but if someone wears a business suit and carries a briefcase and the same happens then everyone will run to help and dial 911 ... it makes a difference in how others treat a person so therefore people dress in a certain way because regrettably society is shallow and judges people on such superficial things as clothes when they should judge by character and personality....

  6. I agree that how people dress  does not necessarily reflect what they are like instead but it is a good indication of how they want other  people to view them.

  7. Yes, I think that a way a person dresses is ONE of the many indicators to what a person's personality and values might be. But, the mistake many people make is that they tend to judge someone based solely on the person's style of dress. Taking time to get to know individuals is what truly lets you know what their values are, their strong points, their weak areas, etc.

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