
Opinions On Virginity Please?

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If a 15/16 yr old girl is a virgin and plans to keep it for a long time or until marraige is that a turn on or off to guys?

-does she gain alot of respect for that?

and does that make you respect her more or would you even waste your time with her?

[it can apply to guys being virgins too]




  1. okay i understand what your talking about.

    i have a friend who's had s*x with 5 guys and all of them (some of which she wasn't even going out with) dumped her. and the ones she wasn't going out with..don't talk to her anymore.

    but she still calls me "the virgin"

    adults respect teens that are virgins.

    other teens - not so much.  

  2. the girl should be respected for making a good desision and people will respect her later when she is getting married but if a boy said that all the other boys would think he was megga weired and try to get the girl to lose her virginaty

  3. Most people these days...well the ones I know would think your crazy. Me on the other hand I'd think that was pretty cool. It shows that you have self control. Some guys would consider that as a turn off (but only the ones trying to get into your pants)

  4. I'm 16, where I'm from the guys I know respect me for wanting to wait. As a girl, I have full respect for any guy that is willing to wait til marriage. I'm from the South, and the part where I am from, we have alot of southern gentlemen. :)

  5. It really is just a matter of opinion. Some guys like it, some guys think it's horrible because then they'll have to "teach" you to do everything right. I always respect people who keep their virginity for the one they love most. Plus, you'll be sooo glad that he's yer first. =) Virginity is only bad to people who don't exactly have good standards...

  6. It depends on what the guy is looking for. Any guy who isn't just looking to get in your pants will respect you decision. There are way to many physical and spiritual consequences of not waiting until marriage and any decent guy should respect that.

  7. Are you keeping your virginity as a virtue or as a novelty? It's important that you remember the difference as you get older.  There may come a time in the future when you are ready to have s*x, both physically and mentally and emotionally, but if you rush into marriage just to do it then you may be making a big mistake.

    But since you are a young girl, I encourage you to keep your virginity until you are ready for the whole and total consequences of it.  This included everything physical and emotional that usually happens *after* the deed, not before.  After all, the only person going to be looking back at you in the mirror the next morning is *you*.

    And congrats on having self-respect.  You don't need a boy to tell you what to do and when to do it.  Keep a strong head!!

  8. The reality it, alot of guys will just want a girl for s*x.


    however, there is many who don't, and who have the same choice as you.

    if a boyyou like ever disagrees with your plans to keep your virginity, he is Not right for you

    dont let anyone change your decision!

    you are very smart!

  9. me too. thats good that you want to wait, cuz you wont have to worry about carrying a baby that u dont want or having an std.

    (claps) proud of you girl!

    h**l YEAH the girl gets alot of respect for that. i think guys like girls who are virgins better because they have more to offer. even pregnant girls will tell girls that are still virgins, to STAY VIRGINS and find that perfect someone when you get older to do it with.

    if i was a guy i would respect the girl more because i know that peer pressure from girls didnt put her down to have s*x with a boy just for the fun of it. she's not the one thats pregnant or had a shot for gonorrhea before. i would be very proud of her!

  10. It's a turn on. That will make him want you more. And you will gain a lot of respect. I'm a virgin, and my friends have had s*x. All of them still wish they were virgins. You, or whoever you are talking about, should wait. It's not worth the regret.

  11. I'm not positive about it but I would say that to some people it may be a turn on because you stand for what you believe. If somebody finds it a turn off and just goes around doing everybody, they're probably some sort of perv that will get a disease. In my view, i would respect that they are saving them self.  I'm saving myself for marriage i know :)

  12. It's sad being a virgin can be a turn off. Wait for the guy that appreciates that you kept it. And no, you don't have to have 'experience'. That's just stupid. Think how it'll be when you meet your future husband and you know you're in love with him, but if you're not a virgin anymore and he is, then think about how bad you would feel that you shared your body with other guys. Don't listen to the people who say that it's a turn off. Have self respect!

  13. If it is a turn off--then that guy sucks and he is not worth your time.

    I think it is respectable.  If someone disses him/her for their choice--s***w them.

    If someone wants to wait, the partner should honor that decision.  If they dont, it was not meant to be anyway.  

  14. It's going to be hard for you and you're going to be hurt by a lot of guys.

    But the one guy who will wait is the one who loves you more than they ever could.


  15. Boys like to go around, but when it comes to them getting settled or marry then they would prefer that their girl is a virgin so in that way you will gain more respect for that, but until you reach that age you will be taunted for it by some as well!

  16. It is a turn-off for the guys that only want to get in your pants. But hes not worth your time. If you find that one special guy that'll wait for you, then he's the one. the girl will gain respect from some people but there are some hoes and s***s that judge you. Ignore them. They prob got STDs or something.

  17. Many people would say you're too young and etc. But it all really depends on the individual. I don't think you should be worried about what choices to make to be respected but more importantly that people respected you for the choices you make for yourself.

  18. I do not think it is a VERY big deal to people that are not religious.

    But you need to make sure that you do not give it up easy and sleep around and earn a reputation.  That is what is a giant turn off to the right types of guys, but the wrong types of guys will flock to you when they learn that.

    Have s*x when you are in love and feel like you want to further the relationship, and when you TRUST the person you are with and have been with them\known them long enough to KNOW they are not just with you for s*x.

    To be honest, i think most high school boys are just trying to have s*x and will move on.

    Do whatever you feel like you are ready for, but keep in mind that there are a lot on unexpected emotions that come along with having s*x.

  19. To me a lot of guys that would turn on and they would want to be with them because they are pure but also a lot of guys would not only find that attractive but as a sort of challenge to see if he would be her first. But yes a lot of guys would secretly respect a girl for that because purity turns a lot of guys on but in the same sense the guys will also try to and hopefully take it away from them. If any of that makes sense.

  20. Virginity is just as special as you make it.

    It depends on the guy/girl, i mean, if he just want s*x, he isnt going tto really care, but if he truly love you, it will mean a lot to the guy/girl


  21. It's funny cause the longer girls wait, the more pure and innocent they seem. But then it becomes a joke and you suddenly become a prude. So congratulations.

    Guys can't wait too long to lose their virginity.

    Lose it quick!

  22. I'd love if I married a girl who waited for me. I would feel so much more respect for her, and it would just feel so much more special, knowing that she waited for me.

    I'm not a virgin myself, hence my daughter, and I'm only fifteen, but I would love it if a girl waited for me.

  23. This society has very weird ideas about s*x.  I don't have a clue why a girl who has s*x would be disrespected, but it does seem to happen.  Yet I see so little advantage in going into a marriage, wedding night, knowing absolutely nothing about .... what happens on wedding nights.  The double standard is incredible...a guy who shall we say has a lot of conquests is definitely respected by his fellow guys, but a girl with the identical history is probably kind of shunned.  It doesn't make any sense.  I don't have an answer for you, sorry, I haven't figured it out myself.  Stay within the law, though!

  24. Even if she/you don't gain a lot of respect for being a virgin doesn't mean that you should give that up.  Do you realllly want to be like almost every other teenager that you probably know?  Be different and take a stand.  If you want to save it for marriage (which I think is the best choice any person can make! and NO I am not some older mother or anything.  I am 20 and married to my love and glad that we waited!)  but if you want to save it, then that is a GREAT decision.  There is no chance in getting pregnant when you don't want to, you can't get STDs of any sort, and you won't be judged as a s**t or as a w***e!  If you can take this stand and stick to it, you have more self power and more self respect than most other people your age, and you are doing well for yourself.  You will keep more focused on your school and family and friends.  You don't need to chance becoming a drop  out because that "one time" you did something, you conceived!

    Guys being a virgin is the same.  They don't want that responsibility then they shouldn't be having s*x.  I have equal amount of respect for guys and girls who are still virginis.  It means so much more when you finally have s*x with that special person later in life.  Knowing that no one else has been with him, wondering if he/she was better or if he still wishes they were with them, all that will never be a factor if you are his first and he is yours.  

    There is no shame in being a virgin.  The only true safe s*x is no s*x!  And kudos to anyone reading this who is a virgin still.  Take pride, not shame.

  25. no it's not attractive.

    why the h**l do you want to have s*x after marriage anyway?

    The only guys you're going to get with that motto is some creep from the local church.

    Have s*x.

    It's not a crime.

    I'm seriously right.

    don't get me wrong, you don't need to act like a tart, but don't plan it.

    just wait till the times right.

  26. pretty much makes you unattractive unless you are into "courting" and go to church often. the guy thing pretty much just damns you as a loser and eventually creep (possibly) happened to my 23 year old virgin friend. But I mean I think as we grow older. I respect someones conviction, but my friend doesn't want to be one, and I think that at the age of 15 and 16 you have no idea what is going to happen to you yet. Wait till college and then decide, but you can stand by your convictions as long as you want. I'll respect someone for that.  

  27. well i think anyone that disrespects it is not worth ur time.but it dont turn most guys off it actually makes them want you more.but if you dont want to nobody can make you.and the best way to make sure it dont you have to tell any guy u end up datin about it on the first date. i told my man and he listened and waited till i was ready. he is really sweet he's always been really sweet.i hope you find an understanding man like i did and someone who lets you take it slow.


  28. Sigh...

    Why would ANYONE wait until marriage? What if you end up with someone who is completely selfish in bed? How will you know the difference between good and bad s*x?

    I once met a woman never had an o****m until after she left her husband of 30 years.

    Is that what you want?

  29. I think being a virgin is really cool actually.

    I'm a virgin as well :)

    Seriously, being a dirty little $lu+ these days is soooo cliche.


    My boyfriend is willing to wait for me, and that's how i know he's the one. <3  

  30. if its a turn off for a guy, hes not worth it. and it is a good thing to keep it because most guys will break up with you right after. people who pick on you have obviously already lost theirs and when they are 15 or 16 and they have a baby, their lives are gonna be screwed up and you will still have time to just be a kid as long as you can.

  31. Well, if thats what you want to do then thats your choice and people should respect that either way.

    Basically it depends the kind of guy. It could be a turnoff cuz a guy is only looking for s*x and that would just be like omg sleeping with a virgin. If he respects you then it would be a turnon because it says you value yourself, are responsible and believe it or not most guys do like doing it with a virgin, it makes them feel special because its like you waited for him kind of thing.  

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