
Opinions critiques wanted!?!?

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My appendix [tbxqh] mare that ive had for three years now...just wondering if she has good conformation and if she has prospect in the jumping world...

sorry i overpopulated this question with links..




  1. I think she is stunning!!!! Really nice "chrome" on her (my favorite markings, star/snip), she is really nice confirmation, CUTE CUTE face and she definatley looks like a good little prospect for a hunter/jumper :) Your a lucky horse owner ! She is beautiful! I really like her!

  2. She has a very nice build and conformation for an appendix.  However the one thing i did see that stood out some is that she does not tuck her knees up when jumping.  That could get her hurt over bigger fences.

  3. She looks pretty good.....I think if you work her just a little more and start building her up, her shoulders and hindquarters could be a little more muscle, but she looks good. Some of the pics she looks like she gains and loses weight all of the time but it could be that she aged or just the angle.

    Good luck :)

  4. Hey Katie J :D

    Yes you know what I think of Bree jumping!!!

    She has got some awesome potential there.

    Her knees are pretty much square and your posistion is amazing for not haveing bery many jumping lessons if any:P

    Keep up the good work, she might enjoy Jumping more then speed!!

    Good Luck!!!

  5. she could use some weight and muscle i think she would be great for jumping

  6. She look slike she could be a good jumper, but it's all about the training. She's a great mix for jumping - TB for size and long distance speed, QH for endurance and strength. Good luck!

  7. She looks like a good jumper, nice comformation too. Keep up the good work! Good Luck!

  8. she is a tiny bit under weight but other than that it looks good! keep up the good work

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