
Opinions on approval ratings?

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i'm definately no Bush fan, but why does the low approval rating for him get so much more attention than the FAR WORSE opinion of the congress? After all, the lawmaking power resides there.




  1. Much of the media is afraid of congress.  Many in the US Senate and House of Reps are among the most corrupt, dishonest, and arrogant group of power-hungry individuals in the country.  These positions were never intended to be a way of life, but expected to last no more than a couple of terms at best, then the office holder would return to his business.  It has been perverted into a group of scoundrels and thieves.  We do keep electing them though, so as a whole, we get what we deserve.  Too bad the rest of us have to suffer along with those who elected these crooks.

  2. The (dis)approval ratings of the Commander-in-Chief will always garner more attention than that of Congress.

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