
Opinions on nuclear weapons

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right i need to write a speech on nuclear weapons, showing both sides of the argument as to whether they should be disarmed, used etc.

so if i could just view your opinions on the subject and if you have any other opinions that i might find useful it would be appreciated

*NOTE* - This isnt a debate. Please don't preach or argue or anything i just need to find different sides of the argument





  1. M.A.D mutuallly assured destruction has been the case with nuclear weapons since the first bomb. Anyone who has them knows not to use them, because it would assure a response that would destroy them as well.

    the problem we have now is that we have people with no country, like Alqueda, and if they attack, there is no retaliation country- and therefore much less deterent.

  2. Nuclear weapons have been invented and cannot be 'uninvented'.  Those who have them know that if they use them it's suicide for their nation.  (As above, M.A.D.)

    So deterrent is the method to use.  The league of nations in the thirties believed that disarmament was the way to be.  They were certainly proved wrong.  In theory therefore there is "safety" in Israel & Iran both having the nuclear weapons.

  3. All nations should have a right to nuclear weapons.  Nuclear weapons are the great equalizer, similar to how an old lady with a gun can stop a criminal who wants to plunder her wealth.  The criminals are deathly scared of armed individuals who are capable of fighting back.

  4. So WOULD David (toff) Cameron or David (snob) Miliband ever use nuclear weapons? Would they ***k?

    So why are we waisting BILLIONS on Trident, a system we will NEVER use? Oh yes, it's that 'special relationship'.

  5. I think nukes were one thing the world could have done without, sadly you can't uninvent something. I think that humans being human human error may cause a major nuclear disaster this century, last years Aug 30 incident in America was scary enough. At the height of the cold war Russia and America had well over 10 000 nukes each....and they still have too many for comfort. Everyone says vehicle usage and heavy industry caused global warming but i reckon its nuclear weapons testing, both the Soviets and the Americans tested hundreds of nukes during the cold war so it is plausible.....i think those are all my opinions

  6. they should be disarmed by all countries, but they are not going to be.  For a country, it's good to know that if anything happens to your country,(being invaded) you can respond with force and very little manpower.   it's kind of like insurance.  if something happens to you, boom by by bad guys.    On another note,  nuclear proliferation is becoming a big problem in todays world, everyone is trying to get nukes, and eventually they will fall into the wrong hands, there is no doubt about that.  when you make so many of them, there will be a couple that slip through the cracks.  on another note, did you know that the U.S. has over 9,000 nuclear warheads.  what do we need all these for?  1 or 2 is good enough to massacre a country? why 9,000?

  7. You can't "un-invent"" them sadly, so  there are here to stay.

    Any country could claim to disarm but in all probability would not.

    I don't believe the US or Russia disarmed as they said they did.However these days its the smaller weapons that are the problem as "rogue" nations can buy the technology easily

    I wonder whether Iran having the technology is actually safer for the middle east as it redresses the balance with Israel a bit...or does it?  

  8. Whatever you think of them, they are here.

    We have them, and whenever I am asked about them, I simply say "Tread softly and carry a big stick."

  9. noone "wants" to use them but their more for a deterrent than anything. I mean your not gonna mess with someone who has a gun when you have a knife are you?

  10. 1st off let me say IRAN doesnt have Nukes yet!!! it is a matter of opinion. I think they are a good detterent for making other countries to think before attacking u, but dont necessarily like the idea of them, They kill everything & everybody in there blast area. If country's really want them i wish they could be held to small levels say just enough to destroy a 4-10 mile area with no fallout, but that's not going to happen/

  11. Nuclear weapons are a great big stick, which used will change our world forever and in ways that people don't understand. A nuclear weapon exploded in the atmosphere will wipe out all electronic devices in range that are not hardened against the Electro Magnetic Pulse (EMP), most of your vehicles will not run becuae it will fry the computers in them. The power grids will collapse, cell phones will be a thing of the past and also most of our modern conviences. It will be like turning the time back 100 years. They have their uses to keep countries in line and in a limited way could actually be used without mass destruction, but would it be worth it?

  12. set em all off for a laugh next bonfire night

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