
Opposite of evolution?

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what is the opposite of evolution, i have found out it is not devolution... so what is it?




  1. Extinction...if you believe evolution means human and other living things existed in present form only.

    Biological Devolution... if you believe evolution means human and other living things have evolved over time, either guided by a supreme being or through natural selection.

  2. In microbiology it is de-evolvement, of harmful  bacteria and viruses. The process begins when the terrain of the host is made less acid. The result is bacteria and viruses that can coexist with us in a benign state. This abiltiy to change is called Pleo-Morphism.

    I would suppose that a person or people could, so to speak, de-evolve from a higher to a lower physical, mental, or emotional state by being removed from beneficial food, culture, etc.  It has been proposed that the "less evolved" peoples of the earth are just remnants of once great civilizations.

    We know medically that when many native S.A. children are put on a higher protein diet they grow taller than their previous family generations. Another example is that of the babies in Romanian orphanages who only have had their physical needs met. The longer their other needs are not met the more the chance their abilities are permanently stunted. Suppose they reach physical maturity and reproduce. What can they teach their off-spring?

    The old saying "One may try taking the people out of the slums but try taking the slums out of the people".

  3. well, people seem to say it's creationism.

  4. I would think it would be stasis.

  5. There is no opposite. Not everything has a diametrically opposed side. Not everything is a dichotomy.

  6. Biological devolution

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    The term "devolution", which normally means a delegation of powers, is sometimes erroneously used to refer to the evolution of a species into more "primitive" forms. Many lay people see evolution as "progress", reflecting the ideas of Lamarckism. However, scientists recognize that evolution by natural selection is directionless, and so "devolution" is still actually evolution.

    It should not be confused with "evo-devo" which is shorthand for evolutionary developmental biology.

    Contents [hide]

    1 Misconceptions about evolution

    2 Use of the term by opponents of evolution

    3 Streamlining evolution

    4 See also

    5 Notes and citations

    6 External links

    [edit] Misconceptions about evolution

    Species evolve because they need to in order to adapt to environmental changes.

    Biologists refer to this misconception as teleology, the idea of intrinsic finality that things are "supposed" to be and behave a certain way, and naturally tend to act that way to pursue their own good. As the fossil record demonstrates that more than ninety nine percent of all species that ever lived are now extinct it is clear that most species do not evolve despite radical environmental changes. From a biological viewpoint, when species evolve it is not a reaction to necessity, but rather that the population contains variations with traits that favour their natural selection.

    Evolution means progress to more advanced organisms.

    This presumes that there is somehow a preferred hierarchy of structure and function, for example that "feet are better than hooves" or "lungs are better than gills", and can lead to the idea that change to "less advanced" structure can be called "devolution". To biologists this is an aspect of teleology, the supposition that there is purpose or directive principle in the works and processes of nature. A biologist sees all such changes as evolution, since for the organisms possessing the changed structures, each is a useful adaptation to their circumstances. For example, hooves have advantages for running quickly on plains as horses do, and feet have advantages in climbing trees as the ancestors of humans did.

    Humans are the ultimate product or goal of evolution.

    This belief is related to anthropocentrism, the idea that human existence is the point of all universal existence, and is a variation on the idea of "progress". To a biologist, describing the biological evolutionary process as goal-oriented would seem as ludicrous as a physicist claiming that the ultimate goal of gravity is to keep the Earth in its present orbit.

    Increasing complexity is the necessary outcome of evolution.

    Biologists have evidence of many examples of decreasing complexity in the record of evolution. The lower jaw in fish, reptiles and mammals has seen a decrease in complexity, if measured by the number of bones. Ancestors of modern horses had several toes on each foot; modern horses have a single hoofed toe. Modern humans may be evolving towards never having wisdom teeth, and already have lost the tail found in many other mammals - not to mention other vestigial structures, such as the vermiform appendix or the nictating membrane.

    [edit] Use of the term by opponents of evolution

    As with other modern sciences, biology is based on a methodological assumption of philosophical naturalism to study and explain the natural world, without assuming the existence or nonexistence of the supernatural. In contrast, creationism and intelligent design are based on teleology in seeking to prove the existence of an organizing principle behind natural laws and phenomena. Opponents of evolution use the teleological argument for the existence of God, and seek to displace evolution as the central organizing concept in biology. To do so, some redefine "evolution" in their terms, and introduce "devolution" to show that evolution theory is incorrect.

    Examples include Mastropaulo[1], who argues that "Change over time, 'definition one' of evolution, actually describes devolution to extinction, the exact opposite of evolution.... actual epidemiological data from human genetic disorders and fatal birth defects, identify 'natural selection,' the alleged 'primary mechanism' for evolution, as actually a mechanism for devolution to extinction, the exact opposite of evolution." and elsewhere[2], "Evolution is the development of an organism from its chemicals or primitive state to its present state. Devolution is the sequence toward greater simplicity or disappearance or degeneration."

    The term has been used in the play Inherit the Wind, the character of Matthew Brady (representative of William Jennings Bryan) using the term to argue that "ape devolved from man", mocking evolutionary theory by offering an alternative he considers just as plausible.

    The term was also popularized in the late 1960s by the musical group Devo (see Early Years), where it was used (initially) jokingly as a theme by members Gerald Casale and Bob Lewis.

    [edit] Streamlining evolution

    "Devolution", the verb "devolve" and the past participle "devolved" are all common terms in science fiction for changes over time in populations of living things that make them less complex and remove some of their former adaptations. The terminology used herein is nontechnical, but the phenomenon is a real but counter-intuitive one, more accurately known as streamlining evolution. Since the development and maintenance of a feature such as an organ or a metabolite has an energy cost, changes in the environment that reduce the utility of an adaptation may mean that a higher evolutionary fitness is achieved by no longer using the adaptation, thus saving on energy. This requires a mutation that inactivates one or more genes, perhaps by a change to DNA methylation or a methionine codon. Streamlining evolution allows evolution to remove features no longer of much/any use, like scaffolding on a completed bridge. This is one reason why irreducibly complex structures are evolvable. For instance, a marker and a killer in the immune system may have been preceded by a single molecule that performs both tasks poorly, and which was subsequently removed from the metabolism of the species by streamlining evolution. However, "devolution" in practice typically refers to changes that occur from a problem no longer existing rather than superior solutions existing. For instance, of the several hundred known species of animal that live their entire lives in total darkness, most have non-functional eyes rather than no eyes. This is due, for instance, to deterioration of the optic nerve. It occurs because mutations that prevent eye formation have low probability. However, at least one eyeless animal species living in total darkness whose ancestry mostly had eyes does exist: the warbled no-eyed large-eyed spider, so named (peculiarly!) for close relation to many other spiders whose eyes are large. Together with gene duplication, streamlining evolution makes evolution surprisingly able to produce radical changes, despite being limited to successive, slight modifications.

    [edit] See also


    Ulas family



    [edit] Notes and citations

    ^ Biology vs Evolution

    ^ Biology Eliminates Evolution and Confirms Genesis (pdf) (google cache [1])

    [edit] External links

    Scientific American; Biology: Is the human race evolving or devolving?

    Claim CB932: Evolution of degenerate forms

    Retrieved from "

  7. Spontaneous generation I guess.

  8. is it


    or can it be evolution is the opposite of the Bible?

  9. Any sort of change, whether bad or good, is evolution.

    So, if evolution must be some sort of change, the opposite must involve no changing.

    I guess it's something like constancy or stagnation.

  10. Regression.

    Or you could just simply say 'reverse evolution' or 'backwards evolution'.

    Evolution is change referring to progress or growth.

  11. Congress, the house of representitivies, and the senate.

    In fact all the politcians that have ever lived.
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