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I have an interesting predicament. We're not having any bridesmaids or groomsmen nor are we having a flower girl. Our dog is going to be the ring bearer. (He's a small little dog, he only weighs 2.5 pounds, just so you don't think I'm going to have some doberman or great dane walking down the asile, lol) Our wedding will be held at an outdoor venue, So I'm wondering how to go about doing the flower girl part without a flower girl? All of the girls (and boys) in my family are too old to be interested in dropping rose petals about. Does anyone have any ideas?




  1. hmm no nieces or lil cousins? have u tried other friends or maybe neighbors that u are acquainted with that may have a lil girl? maybe a co-workers lil girl?

  2. There is no need for a flowergirl at all!

  3. Maybe ask a very good friend to do it or do it beforehand

  4. are you having a wedding coordinator? if so maybe she can do it.

  5. I like the idea of giving all of your guests little baggies with rose petals (or something more unique) and having them toss them out into the aisle while you are walking up. That way, everyone has a part in it.

  6. just shower the pedals on the aisle before you go down

    have each guest take a small bag whern wealking in and toss then in front of you as you walk down the aisle

  7. If you want the flowers, you could put them there ahead of time. Or, you could have your mother and MIL sprinkle them as they walk down (no need to make a big deal about it). I think the easiest thing would just be to do it beforehand.

  8. Could you sprinkle the flowers before hand so it is not needed?

  9. It would be neat if you could figure out a way for your dog to sprinkle them. Like fix a basket up just right on him so that they fall out. I know thats really hard to do, but if you could figure a way it would be really cute! Otherwise, you don't need a flower girl. It isn't like its mandatory anyway.

  10. Wow that is unique. I'd love to see the little doggy trotting down the aisle with your rings :)) Too cute!

    Well, you said you are not having any bridesmaids or groomsmen, which is totally acceptable, but you do need two witnesses anyway so why not get one of them to do it? Your witnesses could be your parents or anyone else. So whoever is going to be your witnesses, get one of them to do it!

    Good luck and congrats!

  11. Don't bother with it all. You can make the ceremony any way you wish.

  12. Just have some one do it before the wedding...when they lay the runner, have them sprinkle rose petals too. Or bypass the rose petals and just get a more decorative runner. Some runners have the petals right in them. They will be more exspensive then your traditional runner.

  13. If all you really want is to have flower petals on the aisle as you walk up, then put them there ahead of time.  If you're worried about the wind, maybe glue a few on an aisle runner and then sprinkle the rest.

  14. We went through the same problem, then discovered that the outdoor venue didn't allow flower petals or anything to be left behind... lucky us?

    They sell runners that have petals infused in the fabric, which is an option...

    Or you can have someone set it up before hand.  Just know that no one will want to walk on top of the petals... thus they won't want to walk down the center aisle-area to find a chair.

    I've seen it set up before hand in this way at a Ceremony:

    -- String flowers (like Gerbera Daisys) on a ribbon for the aisle

    -- Put down petals

    It's kinda a clear aisle that way.  It was very pretty.

    Have fun!

  15. If you want petals, and want to be non-traditional, have your guests throw petals at the end, instead of rice or bubbles.
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