
Orb Question Again = )?

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Picture of the Tour Not a Problem Because of All the Flash

<a href=" target="_blank"><img src=" border="0" alt="Photobucket"></a>

Picture Of Me in My House

<a href=" target="_blank"><img src=" border="0" alt="Photobucket"></a>

another one

<a href=" target="_blank"><img src=" border="0" alt="Photobucket"></a>

They just wont stop showing up




  1. &quot;Orbs&quot; are nothing more than the light from your camera&#039;s flash reflecting off an out of focus object.  This object can be rain, dust motes (suspended or on your camera) or anything else floating in the air.  Because there is dust everywhere, &quot;orbs&quot; may be photographed any time a flash (or another strong light source) is in use.  There is nothing paranormal about it.

    Also, you are probably only noticing orbs because of the haunted tour.  If you have old photos taken with a flash you are likely to see them there as well.

  2. Chances are you haven&#039;t really been looking for orbs in your photos. Certain cameras are more prone to picking them up because of the angle of the flash. Look back at older photos you have taken with that camera more critically, and I am sure you will find that you did in fact take some orb pictures, but overlooked them because you were not looking for orbs.

    For the record the number one cause of orbs is dust or small particles reflecting the flash from the camera.

  3. You can solve your orb problem with a dust and lint free cloth.I&#039;m wondering if you&#039;re shilling for the ghost tour.It&#039;s starting to sound like it.By the way it&#039;s haunted.

  4. Borrow someone else&#039;s camera and see if they show up on it. It might be YOUR camera. Maybe you got some dust in it in that haunted place you went to. OR.. they  followed you home and are having a party at your place!! lol

  5. You&#039;ve got dust in your camera.  It wouldn&#039;t surprise me at all if the &#039;haunted house&#039; was kept intentionally dusty to make people&#039;s pictures turn out strangely.  And it got inside your camera.  Get it cleaned, and the effect will go away.

  6. Those are very nice photos but they are dust particles...a real orb has its own light and is not transparent that those.  Most of the time they have a small trail to them because they are not hovering, they are generally moving.

  7. I have know use for orbs at all. I don&#039;t believe they have anything to do with the paranormal at all. Orb&#039;s have been debunked over and over again. They are usually dust, moisture molecules, pollen, light refraction and many other things. They are passing closely in front of your lens. Some folks say &quot;But, they have faces in them!&quot; Those are not faces, it&#039;s they texture of what ever is causing the orbs. And another thing, no place is dust free! Even NASA as clean as it is, still has some dust. Also, if you are using a digital and it is less than 5 mp&#039;s that could be a problem in it&#039;s self. This could go on forever so, don&#039;t worry, nothing followed you home because Orb&#039;s are nothing.

  8. Those are great pictures..........of dust particles.

    As far as I know, dust won&#039;t haunt you.

    Unless you have allergies.

    Fabrics hold a lot of dust particles, as per your sofa and clothing.

    And on wood floors the particles are free to float about, especially around heavy foot traffic areas, air vents, and windows.

  9. It&#039;s got me buggered why with the advent of digital photgraphy ghosts would choose to show up as orbs and not something more advanced. Even with your old Kodak they could do those funky double exposures that they favoured in the past.

    And what about the really old ones on the glass plates, ghosts made great use of those too until it was proved to be a scam.

  10. The only paranormal phenomenon I know that best describes &quot;orbs of paranormal energy&quot; is an occurrence known as St. Elmo&#039;s Fire. They are believed to happen in regions or areas where there are mineral deposits very close to the surface. Yes, you can catch them on cameras. But they won&#039;t and will never follow you to your home. While the one that you have captured in your camera could have been a St. Elmo&#039;s Fire, the one which you claim to be following you anywhere could perhaps be just your imagination.

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