
Ordering food problem?

by  |  earlier

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I always am specific and wait for eye contact before i order food. For example: I would like a chicken sandwich with cheese and a small coke. Very simple. I usually get a response like do you want the meal? I repeat myself.. I said I want a chicken sandwich with cheese and a small coke. Response.. the sandwich or the meal? I never said anything about a meal so why cant you understand I am ordering exactly what I told you two times. a chicken SANDWICH!! with cheese and a small coke. Do these people listen to anything. It's that simple. does anyone else have a similar problem 90% of the time?




  1. Probably because some people try to trick the person into making their order wrong just so they can complain and get it for free or something.  Just imagine working at the drive thru they must have to deal with a lot of idiots all day long and for all you know it might be part of the rules that they repeat your order before they punch it in...or maybe they want to let you know that meal option is available.

  2. How anal, the cashier is just being thorough, and all you have to do is say no. Life is short appreciate the good things in it.

  3. next time include 'not the meal' in ur sentence when u place an ofrder

  4. it is because so many stupid people ordering just say "chicken sandwich with cheese and a coke".. and get a chicken sandwich and a coke.... then cuss out the person who took the order and say they wanted the fries and ask "why didnt you idiots ask me if i wanted the meal?!!?"

    and end up getting free fries to shut them up.

    i am a waitress at a japanese restaurant and i have people that say they want "just a side of chicken", then cause drama when the whole meal of soup and salad, rice and veggies doesnt show up. usually if i ask if they want just "the side of chicken" or "the meal" it is just to be clear that all they want is a little side of chicken

    so it isnt that the person taking your order necessarily is not listening, but possibly listening closely and trying to be clear when putting in the order.

    try this- place your order.  

    if they ask "do you want the meal"-

    answer-"no thank you,  just the chicken sandwich with cheese and a small coke"

    give them the answer to the question instead of repeating yourself assuming they are so stupid they cannot comprehend a simple order

  5. Yeah, but they have to ask you that.  A lot of times, customers do actually want the meal but they don't specify  There could be a price difference, too.

    They aren't trying to be jerks.  (I don't think so, anyway.)  They're just doing their jobs.

  6. next time say, I want just the chicken sandwich with cheese. It's not that you're not communicating well, it's just that so many people say "I want the chicken sandwich" and they mean the meal, but don't say so.... then they get mad at the cashier for not ordering them what they really wanted. That's why they ask, just to avoid drama/ confusion!

  7. You could start out by saying, "I don't want the meal, just a chicken sandwich with cheese and a small coke."

  8. Yes but it happens quite often.  I may stop by mcdonalds and order and chicken sandwich and a drink.  Though that is exactly what I ask for, I always get "would you like the meal"....I'm just like no thanks, just the chicken sandwich and the drink

  9. I can even tell when you say you want "chicken sandwich and small coke" apparently you do want just the sandwich... !!!


  10. As a server, this is a legitimate question. Many people want the meal, but do not state then are angry.  Also, with costs today, people order the meal even if they do not want it because many times it is cheaper than indiviual pricing.  It should be no issue for you to say, I would like a chicken sandwich with cheese and small pop, and that is all, or not the meal.  The server is doing their job;  many times are instructed to ask custoemr this.  Servers do listen, but managers want to see them sell, or up sell customers, larger size, add on, etc, dessert.  Please give people a break, you are getting upset over a minor issue, these people are only doing their job. Once I had a manager come over and ask if I wanted the meal instead of just burger and drink;  did I miss order, did the server offer; why did I not?  He was dismayed that he could not even sell me.
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