
Organization help!!!?

by Guest65023  |  earlier

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Well i'm a pack rat in the works to not save so much! but going through stuff is a pain!

but trying to organize it is even more of a pain!

I have to much stuff i know this but the stuff that i'm keeping example: 1or 2 of the horses that i collected ect.. instead of all 30 of them!

so i'm having a hard time putting it all together! Not sure why! maybe the over whelming of stuff and how it can be here or there!

i have papers some are office paper (blank) note books of thoughts idea's plans goals wishfull thinking songs poems doodles and other crazy off the wall things!

on top of the boxes and boxes of cd's i have.. some for playstation some for pc some for radio and some are still not identivided! lol

Currenly i have CD Paper Decroation art stuff music stuff ect..

but when i get to a paper and it has doodles do i put that with remember when box or art stuff or paper?

this is just one example! How do i know where to put it!

help web sites a nice swift kick in the but ??




  1. I can help you with the notebooks of ideas.

    First, I'm guessing you have your own computer. If not, invest ing a 1gb or 2gb USB drive for maybe $20 at Staples or somewhere. Get to a scanner and scan all the pages of your notebook. If you have access to a copier/scanner with document feed, you can cut out the notebook pages using an exacto knife and run them all through at once. This way you have the memories but not the clutter.

    If the notebooks are overly personal, shred them and possibly have a bonfire or using them in your fireplace.

    If they're not, consider sending the poems and such to a pen pal or giving them to friends.

    Next, invest in a cheap bookshelf, maybe $20 or $30 at Target, and divide up your CDs by putting eat category on a different shelf in Alphabetical order. I'd keep the games on the lower shelves since game consoles are generally near the floor at all my friends' houses, and then keep the music and other stuff on higher shelves.

    Finally, my most important bit of help is this:

    Is the memory of this object so important that you'd rather have the object instead of the money you could have if you sold it?

    Hope this helps!


    Edited to add:

    For all the CDs without cases, consider getting a big CD binder (or 10!) and filling those up with the caseless CDs. Some even have big enough slots that you can fit the booklets from smaller demo CD cases and then throw away the spare plastic. That should allow you to keep the books and all the other games and CDs on shelves. You can even organize the music by genre and/or alphabetical order.

  2. I think your bigggest problem is feeling overwhelmed, which is what can happen when your a bit of a pack rat.

    I also think you should keep your 10 favorite horses. It will make a nice display some where in your new home. One day for 1 or 2 hrs only go over them, so your not overwhelmed.

    With the notebooks---well---I understand how hard it is to get rid of doodles/art. I write creatively. What I did what bought a file box, and a large portfolio envelope. With the file box you can subdivide songs, poems, thoughts, ideas etc.; With the portfolio just put your artwork/doodles in there, NOT paper or memory box.  Try to sort and ask yourself "What do I really think/feel about this?"  OR "Can I really do anything about this in the next year?"  Try not to get too sentimental b/c you really CAN'T KEEP everything.

    CD's: I think David above me has a good idea with the CD's that have no cases (the books). Maybe, like what you did with the horses above, just take a couple of hours and first sort what you REALLY like--that's what you would REALLY listen to on any given day. The artists or genre that you absolutely don't care for will be given away. One time what I did with this was took some to work and put an office email that I was giving them away on a first come first serve basis, listiing the artists. I managed to give them all away. What doesn't get taken leave in a common room or give to the office down the hall or throw away.

    The reason I say 1 or 2 hours is so you don't get freaked out and give up. After that time has passed go do something else or work on something different like your clothes, or towels or pantry or take a walk. THEN if you want to go back for another hour you'll be a little refreshed from the break.

  3. When you get a paper with 'doodles' on it...the first thing you need to ask yourself I really need to keep this?  If not, it's as easy as throwing it away!  If yes, you should decide is this a piece that can be included in an 'art portfolio' (for example - does it have one image/theme that is there and could be saved as a piece of art).  If yes, I would put it with your art stuff and eventually separate that by finished peices (in order by date completed) and pieces that need completion.  Hope this helps...organizing is very specific to the individual and what works for me...might not work for you.  Be careful about choosing too many catagories to work with...start simple with KEEP, TOSS, GIVE AWAY and then when you go to organize your KEEP pile, make only a few catagories based on what you have in that pile.  The less piles you have the easier it will be to organize because you won't have to antangonize yourself over every item and making a HUGE decision between 10 piles versus an easier decision of 3 piles.  This is a great way to start organizing because you don't have to have a massive mess for a long time, you can complete one "stage" (Keep, Toss, Give Away) one day and complete "stage two" another day!  Continue using this strategy until you are completely organized!!

    HGTV has some great organization tips for different areas of your house/office.  Check out the following source for lots of ideas!
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