
Original community service ideas.?

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I need some ideas! Please help!




  1. try  It has a lot of good ideas and can match you up with volunteer activities based on your zip code

  2. well: accordingly to Community Service  there is all kinds of ideas that

    Volunteers join  a community Center  to help others with special

    Projects yes of course Answers Society  & Culture  says

    try Reading A  Good Book  at an Local Libaray  

  3. get a whole bunch of people and go to a local nursing home nd visit the old people. or raise money for a charity or join in your church and ask how to help out

  4. i sold snacks at varsity sporting events at my high school. but this only works if thier is a good attendence and there isnt already a snack bar. friends of mine have done things such a knitting blankets for children in other countries. my school is huge on community service so i have tons of ideas. jsut email me if you need more

  5. Here's a few:

    - spruce up a playground by weeding, painting equipment

    - clean up a walking trail

    - usher at a performing arts event

    - help at a charity walk (registration table, pass out water, etc.)

    - help at a black tie charity event

    - work with Rebuilding Together to help fix and spruce up the home of someone elderly

    - help with a mailing

    - walk dogs at an animal shelter

    - help at sporting events, such as a Special Olympics tournament

    - read to children at the library

    - work at an after-school program with a charity like Boys & Girls Club

    - adopt a school or a class in a school and have a drive to get them what they need, such as school supplies

    Hope this helps - Julie

  6. .  Find an elderly person who lives alone.  Your company might save a life.  Ask your neighbors.

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