
Osgood technique observation and oblique question....?

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I've noticed for years that when Osgood plays back in the net it's a sign of lower confidence, and when he comes out of the crease, he's confident, on his game, and at his best. I have NEVER seen him come out like he has in this playoffs, and he is coming way out more and more. Now, it's working - no doubt about that - but even I am shocked that some of these players streaking down don't try to go around him. He's 1/3 of the way to the blue line sometimes!

My somewhat vague question ---- will Pittsburgh do this, or can Detroit D-men pressure them enough to force early shots with Ozzie cutting down the angle?




  1. couple things to keep in mind.

    - I think the asker is referring to Osgood going out a little further than the edge of the blue paint.

    - agreed, Pittsburgh will scout Osgood thoroughly.

    - the further you come out, the more susceptible to big rebounds ( plus harder to cover up); that rebound following its ricochet path and going to the open side of the ice (thus allowing more of an open net if a trailer attacker is on that side), including even if the attacker can't get a clean shot off, sometimes their momentum alone can carry that puck into the general direction of a (more open) net.

    - also susceptible to the fake shot and the "slow" cross ice pass to the trailing attacker to open up that shooting lane on the far slot. (see game 1 against dallas after detroit's first goal ... pass came across the crease, but dallas player fanned on it. same thing happened again to Morrow in game 3).

    every goalie reaction has an advantage and disadvantage. it'll depend on the defencemen and how they work in concert w/ Osgood to constrain the options of the odd man rushes. if they play conservatively and force the initial shooter to make a fantastic shot, or if they pressure the shooter, and hope he botches it, or that Osgood is expecting the cross slot pass.

    because of the Pens speed and stickhandling, i would recommend to play conservatively, and that Osgood not come out too far, regardless of his confidence. (that being said, i don't think his back should be touching the cross bar either).

  2. That deep in the net, out of the net thing is tell tale for any goalie. But some of that confidence comes from knowing that opposing players don't have the time to make couple of moves and try to go by. He knows if he makes the wing hold the puck an extra second he may never see a shot at all.  As for the second, thats the question for this series.  If the Pens can get space the wings are done.

  3. Well when you have 2 of the best defenseman in the league (Lidstrom and Rafalski) you know thats in the head of the other players, so theres already a mental advantage.  Then worrying about Kronwall or Stuart laying you out is in there head, another mental advantage.

    Ozzie is playing phenonimal and is playing really confident and I love it.  But he can't do that too much or he'll turn into Hasek... but if he can do it and perform, let him.

  4. I would expect more "deking" from the Pittsburgh forwards... I mean honestly, Dallas' offense was not that good.  It is not what got them to the Conference Finals.

  5. I noticed that too.  !!!!

  6. don't forget it is also the tendencies of the opposing teams forwards that allows for a goaltender to deteremine whether he should come out more and be more aggressive.  Also with your own forwards back checking that allows for more challenging net-minding.

  7. This is actually fairly common; if I hit a bad patch, I tend to play very deep in the crease, but if I'm doing okay I tend to stay at the top of the blue paint.

    I'm sure Pittsburgh's scouting department will have gone over everything Osgood has done in terms of stance, positioning, save preference, tendencies, etc.

  8. Growing up as a goalie this is a tell tail sign of confidence. Most people don't realize angles and positioning is 90% of a goalies job. The best saves are the ones that look the easiest because the goalie did his job to be infront of the puck. Flashy eratic saves are normally covering up for being out of position.He is doing a great job letting the puck find him technically a goalies first save should be on his feet leaving him set again for the following shot.

    Another big part of this is his "D" men he is confident in taking the shot knowing his D will cover the pass or help with the rebound.

      So no I don't feel the Penn's will pull him to far outa position, because Ozzy as a solid goalie makes sure he is in the right position all game.

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